Saturday, November 28, 2009

We're Working on Losing Weight

Well, Jeff and I are trying to lose weight again. To accomplish that goal, we have been trying to spend less time sitting and more time moving. We also joined a new website, SparkPeople. It's basically a free alternative to Weight Watchers (thanks Karen for the url!) where you can track your nutrition and fitness activities. It looks pretty neat. Jeff and I both set up pages. (Jeff's) (Sharon's)

I've been spending a lot of time entering goals as well as tracking my food intake. I'd really like to be successful this time. If I decide I need more help, then I'll go ahead and join Weight Watchers when we get home from Oregon in January. But SparkPeople seems to be really neat. And I've already gotten a lot of encouragement from folks on there.

I've already taken Shasta for a walk this morning. It's so much easier to be good about walking when it's nice and cool outside. =)

Tonight we're going to my Dad's place for another Thanksgiving dinner. I'm going to try and be good again. I find it works better if I load up on carrots and celery before dinner, then I simply don't have room to overeat as much of the high calorie food.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that a big glass of water before dinner helps curb the appetite, too.
    You're welcome for the link to the site--it fits my motto: Cheap is Good; Free is Better.
    I also joined the SCA Sparkers--I hope it will be helpful for meal planning at events.
