We were tasked by our contractor to choose paint colors this weekend so we must be coming up on painting soon. We started out looking at all the possible historic paint pallets we had samples for, but realized pretty quickly there was just too many choices and we suffered from information overload. So, finally we just decided to confine our choices to the
Sherwin Williams Arts & Crafts Preservation Pallette as there were plenty enough choices for our project and they were labelled with the specific date range we needed.

We've already tentatively chosen
cherry stain from the Jel'd Stain line for the woodwork. We haven't gotten a sample made yet and the only picture Sharon has is this crummy little thing Sharon found with a Google search. Hopefully stain samples will be coming soon.
Sharon is tempted to just paint everything yellow (her favorite house paint color), but Jeff wanted some green. And we'd probably OD on yellow, as the exterior is also going to be yellow. So, after some amount of debate, we've chosen colors. Typical for us, we will not be creating a beige box like so many people do these days. Hopefully we'll be happy with the colors, though, ultimately if some of the colors prove to be too bold, we can simply repaint them. We're probably going to go buy some paint samples and try out some of the colors in the rooms soon, just to be sure.

We've decided to use Ruskin Room Green (SW 0042) for the living room walls. Sharon found color inspiration in Paul Duchscherer's
"Inside the Bungalow" book on page 39 in a great period example originally published by Eberson Paint Company.

We're going to repaint the fireplace. We dug into the paint and found the brick closely resembled this Twilight Gray (SW 0054) color. Someday we hope to "fix" the fireplace, but we just can't handle the expense this year.

We're going to paint the front parlor/library area with this
Portrait Tone (SW 0039) color on the walls. We're looking to make this a cozy reading room and Sharon drew inspiration from photos like this one from
"Building Arts & Crafts Furniture" by Paul Kemner and Peggy Zdila.

The walls in the dining room and the walls of the main floor bathroom are going to be painted in this Hubbard Squash (SW 0044) color. It is likely we'll be using this color a lot in the future, in hallways and other common areas.

The kitchen (where there is little uncovered wall space) and all of the ceilings (in the living room, dining room and parlor) are going to be painted in this Buckram Binding (SW 0036) color.