Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Snake River Log Cabin Flimsy

And it is done. I've finished it faster than I expected, but I am glad to get this project off my to-do list. And I more than finished my One Monthly Goal.

This is the cover project from Judy Martin's Log Cabin book. I had a lot of fun making it, but it was a lot of work. Each block has 48 pieces! I tried to pre-piece strips and then cut them up, but that didn't work as well as I hoped. I would have been better off just making rust and cream strips and then adding the other fabrics. If I make the other quilt I'm tempted by in this book, that's what I will do.

(For folks who are interested in the finish, it is here at my quilting blog.)

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Basic Crazy Quilt Class

This is the model for the class block.
For this month's Friday Night Sew In, I decided to work on a small project for a free online Basic Crazy Quilt class. It isn't the greatest timing given how much work I have into the Snake River log cabin quilt, but I'll have to get back to it soon. This is just a bit of a crazy detour.

I am winging this block a bit as I don't have the embroidery templates, but I'm treating this as a learning project and if I decide this is a style I'm interested in pursuing, I'll invest in more tools. 

Or I may just decide to start finishing the seams with my fancy sewing machine stitches. I found this really beautiful design that I may decide to try, though since I don't have that exact machine I would have to improvise with stitches my machine does have.

Anyway, thanks for dropping in. If you'd like to see what everyone else was up to for the Friday Night Sew In, drop by Wendy's blog.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Front Porch Repair

The front knee brace and our front porch have some dry rot issues. Since we have the proceeds from selling the Prineville house, we decided it was finally time to deal with some lingering issues with this house. Unfortunately, our skills are not up to dealing with these projects so I have been looking around for a contractor who could help us.

For the porch, I was hoping we could just replace wood in the affected areas, but nobody wants to touch it because of the age and likelihood of lead paint. It turns out it's easier to find someone to rip it out and replace the whole thing than it is to just repair it. 

This rotten wood is going to be repaired.
Today we hired Jeff Inskeep from Hand Made Home to repair the rotted knee brace/barge board and to replace the front porch. He's going to install and finish meranti decking.

He is supposed to start the work on February 1 so we shall report how it goes. If this job goes well, we may hire him to do more work.

This is our rotten front porch.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

WOOFA 2021 List

Sea Swept Quilt
Unbeweavable Lap Quilt

Since I got started on the WOOFA UFO challenge late in 2020 and didn't have twelve months to finish my projects, I think I'll try and get started sooner this year. I'm going to also add some new, not-started projects to my list that I feel like working on. This list is somewhat in order by priority, but I am likely to take projects out of order as I'm in the mood to do them.

I'm hoping someday this year
I'll be in the mood to make this coat for Jeff.

Quilt As You Go Lap Quilt

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Jan Friday Night With Friends

I joined Cheryll, et al. again for the first Friday Night With Friends of 2021.  I got started early and worked through Friday night and then continued Saturday morning until I finished assembling the 64 blocks for the center portion of the Snake River Log Cabin quilt

Now that I've finished assembling them all, it's ready for the border. That is another 32 blocks I'll need to make.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Quilt Progressing

I have finished 48 blocks of the center portion of the Snake River quilt. 

I decided to start assembling the quilt top so when I make the last 16 blocks I can press the seams in the right direction to make the final assembly easier. 

It takes a long time to put these blocks together. There is SO MUCH pinning, but it is worth it. I'm really happy with how this is turning out.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

January One Monthly Goal

I think I am going to add another virtual sew-in to my calendar, at least until this pandemic has passed and we can escape our houses. This time, One Monthly Goal at Elm Street Quilts

I would very much like to make 64 blocks for the Snake River Quilt. 

I think I can do it. I've already finished 15 of them, so I believe I can finish another 49 before the end of the month.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Snake River Quilt Progress

I spent another couple of days working on the Snake River Log Cabin Quilt. I ended up changing the process again so I would have less repetition from block to block.  I went through and cut strips from all of the Morris fabrics and sliced them up into pieces of the appropriate length for the strips. That took most of the day yesterday.

Instead, now I'm building strip sets of the cream-rust-cream portions and slicing them up then adding the Morris prints for each set of blocks as I make them. From here, the pace of construction should pick up.

I finished seven more blocks today.