Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Wheelbarrow Path

Jeff and Aaron made short work of digging out the wheelbarrow path today. They got a layer of gravel down before they had to wrap up for the day. Sadly, I missed the photo opportunity before they covered it up with plastic to keep the dogs off of it.
Aaron is going out of town for more than a week, so Jeff will likely take this opportunity to rest up a bit. Landscape work will resume in a couple of weeks.

I still haven't taken pictures of the bathroom; I should do that. I finally varnished the woodwork over the weekend. As expected, the tile guy's one week absence turned into two weeks. He came out today I thought to finish, but I looked back a while later and he was gone. He fixed a few crooked tiles, but nothing was grouted. Sigh. I guess we'll see if he comes back tomorrow.


  1. How frustrating. Do you have to hang around every day in the hope that he will show up?

    1. Well, I think what happened is he realized we're always home so he just does other work when it has to be done and then gives us the dregs of his time. Last night I actually told him not to bother to show up after 5PM.
