Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Painting "Booth"

Jeff jury-rigged up a painting booth in the pergola and, despite the heat, I've been busy the last several days painting the wicker chairs. I've never painted wicker before so I didn't realize how much paint they require to do a good job. Jeff had to go buy more cans in the middle of the project. I think I used eight cans for the four green pieces.

I used the Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch Ultra Cover Gloss Hunter Green Spray Paint, which was on sale at our local Ace Hardware. The gloss is nice, but I don't know how long it will last, and it makes the wicker look vaguely plastic.

I also need to sing the praises for the Can Gun 1 which made this project SO MUCH easier.
First I painted the white chairs and they're listed for sale.
These look much better now.
Painted and drying
I need to figure out if I can recycle these
I still need to paint the metal table, but I need to make a trip out to Lowe's to get primer; I finally found a reasonably priced option that will prime galvanized metal.