11 Sep 1960, The Oregonian
Freeways Open Doors for Outlying Districts
by Herman Edwards
Portlanders have learned in the most recent years how the new high-speed freeways can shorten the driving time between their homes in outlying or suburban areas and the places where they work or shop. They like the freeways. The traffic stream moving down the magnificent Banfield freeway into the heart of the city at a legal speed of 55 miles an hour is proof of the popularity of the freeway.
And they are impatient for the completion of more of them, such as Portland-Salem Baldock freeway.
Freeways serve two purposes for big city dwellers. They provide faster and safer routes into and out of the city for the people who can conveniently use them. Those who cannot use the freeway to shorten travel time between home and work, or shopping, also are benefited.
Pressure Relieved
The freeway takes the pressure off congested routes, as the Banfield has relieved Sandy boulevard, and as the completed Baldock will relieve some of the bumper-to-bumper parade on Barbur boulevard.
The freeways serving the cities were long overdue. Over the past 30 years the average speed on rural highways were improved.
Over the same 30-year period there has been a gradual reduction of speed in the urban areas because of increasing traffic congestion. Only those cities which have put considerable mileages of freeways into operation have noticeably shortened travel times.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Feb 1960: Laurelhurst Freeway
12 Feb 1960, The Oregonian
Vehicles Using Portland Portals to Triple by ’75
The estimated 210,000 vehicles which entered and left the urban limits of Portland daily in 1958 will be increased almost three times, to 600,000, by 1975. W.C. Williams, state highway engineer, told the East Side Commercial Club Wednesday in the Sheraton Portland Hotel.
The year 1975 is the approximate target date for completion of the multi-million-dollar interstate freeway system in Portland. If the system is completed by that time it will carry all of the great traffic volume in and out of the city on 27 miles of freeway, Williams said.
The state’s highway construction program has been set back two years by the 1959 slowdown of federal aid funds, the State Highway Commission’s top engineer said. The setback, he said, means a reduction from the 48 million dollars expected this year for interstate highway construction to approximately 34 millions, and a slash from 20 millions for urban highway construction in Portland this year and probably next, he said.
Other projects in Portland have left the impact of the slowdown of federal aid funds. The East Bank freeway probably will be completed to a connection with the Banfield freeway in 1962. The East Bank and the Minnesota avenue freeway, completing the new Pacific highway through Portland all the way to the Columbia River, probably will be finished by 1965, he said.
The Highway Department now is buying right-of-way for the Minnesota avenue freeway the entire length of its route, but construction probably will not be started within the next two years, said Williams. The Minnesota construction will be completed before any start is made of the controversial Stadium freeway, he reported.
Williams told the East Side civic group of some other projects to be constructed on their side of town: a one-way Grand-Union avenue couplet to be connected to the new Marquam bridge, and the modernizing of SE 82nd avenue to Clackamas.
Some time in the future the Mount Hood freeway will be constructed eastward from the Marquam bridge along the general route of SE Powell boulevard, and the Laurelhurst freeway will be built, with a crossing of the Columbia River at about NE 33rd avenue, he said. (emphasis added) The Laurelhurst freeway will provide 16-foot clearance under all structures to become Portland’s only trans-city freeway to meet military specifications, presumably made with a thought to the hauling of missiles.
The state highway engineer clarified a statement he made recently on gasoline taxes which he said had been misunderstood by some persons. The Highway Department believes there will be no need to ask for an increase in state gasoline taxes to match federal aid before 1963, he reported. There will be sufficient state funds to match available federal aid money through the years 1960, 1961 and 1962, Williams asserted.
Vehicles Using Portland Portals to Triple by ’75
The estimated 210,000 vehicles which entered and left the urban limits of Portland daily in 1958 will be increased almost three times, to 600,000, by 1975. W.C. Williams, state highway engineer, told the East Side Commercial Club Wednesday in the Sheraton Portland Hotel.
The year 1975 is the approximate target date for completion of the multi-million-dollar interstate freeway system in Portland. If the system is completed by that time it will carry all of the great traffic volume in and out of the city on 27 miles of freeway, Williams said.
The state’s highway construction program has been set back two years by the 1959 slowdown of federal aid funds, the State Highway Commission’s top engineer said. The setback, he said, means a reduction from the 48 million dollars expected this year for interstate highway construction to approximately 34 millions, and a slash from 20 millions for urban highway construction in Portland this year and probably next, he said.
Other projects in Portland have left the impact of the slowdown of federal aid funds. The East Bank freeway probably will be completed to a connection with the Banfield freeway in 1962. The East Bank and the Minnesota avenue freeway, completing the new Pacific highway through Portland all the way to the Columbia River, probably will be finished by 1965, he said.
The Highway Department now is buying right-of-way for the Minnesota avenue freeway the entire length of its route, but construction probably will not be started within the next two years, said Williams. The Minnesota construction will be completed before any start is made of the controversial Stadium freeway, he reported.
Williams told the East Side civic group of some other projects to be constructed on their side of town: a one-way Grand-Union avenue couplet to be connected to the new Marquam bridge, and the modernizing of SE 82nd avenue to Clackamas.
Some time in the future the Mount Hood freeway will be constructed eastward from the Marquam bridge along the general route of SE Powell boulevard, and the Laurelhurst freeway will be built, with a crossing of the Columbia River at about NE 33rd avenue, he said. (emphasis added) The Laurelhurst freeway will provide 16-foot clearance under all structures to become Portland’s only trans-city freeway to meet military specifications, presumably made with a thought to the hauling of missiles.
The state highway engineer clarified a statement he made recently on gasoline taxes which he said had been misunderstood by some persons. The Highway Department believes there will be no need to ask for an increase in state gasoline taxes to match federal aid before 1963, he reported. There will be sufficient state funds to match available federal aid money through the years 1960, 1961 and 1962, Williams asserted.
Monday, September 25, 2017
1930: Parish School Battle
(Forgive my transcription errors; as you can see the original is nearly unreadable.)
The Oregonian, 17 Jul 1930
Protests Hold Up Permit On School
Taxpayers Said to Have Had Too Little Time
Value Decline Cited
...that about half of the property owners were not notified in time ... their protests and that the property assessor's office had forecast property assessor's office had forecast property value reductions of 50% yesterday held up action by the city council on a permit for the con(unreadable) of a Catholic school at East Thirty-ninth street and Laddington street.
John A. Murray told the council ... survey he had made showed ... from one-third to one-half of ... property owners did not know the ... was to be considered by the council last week because they had not been notified by the city and that ... notice had been sent to a ... who had been dead for three years. City Auditor Funk explained ... the list of property owners had been furnished by the petitioners for the school.
... Murray also said that the county assessor's office had told the property owners that if the school was placed there the property in the neighborhood would be depreciated up to 50% for taxes. O. Laurgaard, city engineer, a property [owner?] in Laurelhurst, declared that ... generally have depreciated the value of the property in their immediate district.
More Complaints Made
Additional remonstrances against the permit for the school were filed by the property owners, who said that they had at least 70% of the [owners] against the project. The pro(unreadable) were referred to Commissioner ... for investigation.
Mr. Murray also contended that the ... has enough schools and that ... of the children would be drawn from as far away as Montavilla. He ... that a mortgage company would had interests in Laurelhurst was opposed to the school on the ground of property values would be depreciated.
It is true that churches and schools have depreciated property, ... council has been responsible for the depreciation of a great deal of property in the city, ... for we have ... that churches and schools have ... to enter residential districts," said Mayor Baker. "The statement ... the county assessor's office has ... that the property in Laurelhurst would be depreciated about 50% is a serious statement. It raises a question as to whether this council wants to change its polity in the ... of granting permits for the ... of churches and schools in residential districts over the protests of the property owners."
Bishop's Ideas Cited
City Engineer Laurgaard declared ... member of the Catholic church was opposed to the granting of the permit and that the late Archbishop Christie had been opposed to the construction of a school at that place on ... ground that it was not a proper place for a school.
Dr. Banner Brooke declared that its investment of the property owners in the district were half a million dollars and that the benefit to a few children who would attend the school were not sufficient to overcome the ... that the se property owners would suffer because of he school, as did ... Roberts and others. It was declared that the school would not be needed by more than 30 children.
Mr. Laurgaard declared that the records would show that property had depreciated heavily adjacent to schools all over the city, and that in Laurelhurst lots adjacent to the present site of the Laurelhurst school had been offered for less than half of the price of lots some little distance away.
Some of the property owners in(unreadable) that, since the present proceedings came about through the inti(unreadable) of the city council, the council must determine whether the location is a proper one for the school without regard to what the church or the property owners might say about it ... contended that it was not a proper place because of the traffic conditions on East Thirty-nine street, because the church would not have sufficient room and because of its effect upon the neighborhood.
The Oregonian, 17 Jul 1930
Protests Hold Up Permit On School
Taxpayers Said to Have Had Too Little Time
Value Decline Cited
...that about half of the property owners were not notified in time ... their protests and that the property assessor's office had forecast property assessor's office had forecast property value reductions of 50% yesterday held up action by the city council on a permit for the con(unreadable) of a Catholic school at East Thirty-ninth street and Laddington street.
John A. Murray told the council ... survey he had made showed ... from one-third to one-half of ... property owners did not know the ... was to be considered by the council last week because they had not been notified by the city and that ... notice had been sent to a ... who had been dead for three years. City Auditor Funk explained ... the list of property owners had been furnished by the petitioners for the school.
... Murray also said that the county assessor's office had told the property owners that if the school was placed there the property in the neighborhood would be depreciated up to 50% for taxes. O. Laurgaard, city engineer, a property [owner?] in Laurelhurst, declared that ... generally have depreciated the value of the property in their immediate district.

Additional remonstrances against the permit for the school were filed by the property owners, who said that they had at least 70% of the [owners] against the project. The pro(unreadable) were referred to Commissioner ... for investigation.
Mr. Murray also contended that the ... has enough schools and that ... of the children would be drawn from as far away as Montavilla. He ... that a mortgage company would had interests in Laurelhurst was opposed to the school on the ground of property values would be depreciated.
It is true that churches and schools have depreciated property, ... council has been responsible for the depreciation of a great deal of property in the city, ... for we have ... that churches and schools have ... to enter residential districts," said Mayor Baker. "The statement ... the county assessor's office has ... that the property in Laurelhurst would be depreciated about 50% is a serious statement. It raises a question as to whether this council wants to change its polity in the ... of granting permits for the ... of churches and schools in residential districts over the protests of the property owners."
Bishop's Ideas Cited
City Engineer Laurgaard declared ... member of the Catholic church was opposed to the granting of the permit and that the late Archbishop Christie had been opposed to the construction of a school at that place on ... ground that it was not a proper place for a school.
Dr. Banner Brooke declared that its investment of the property owners in the district were half a million dollars and that the benefit to a few children who would attend the school were not sufficient to overcome the ... that the se property owners would suffer because of he school, as did ... Roberts and others. It was declared that the school would not be needed by more than 30 children.
Mr. Laurgaard declared that the records would show that property had depreciated heavily adjacent to schools all over the city, and that in Laurelhurst lots adjacent to the present site of the Laurelhurst school had been offered for less than half of the price of lots some little distance away.
Some of the property owners in(unreadable) that, since the present proceedings came about through the inti(unreadable) of the city council, the council must determine whether the location is a proper one for the school without regard to what the church or the property owners might say about it ... contended that it was not a proper place because of the traffic conditions on East Thirty-nine street, because the church would not have sufficient room and because of its effect upon the neighborhood.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Sep 1930: Coe Circle Park
The Oregonian, 4 Sep 1930
Coe Circle to Be Park
The other half of the Coe circle will become a parked area, with the removal of the building which has been there for several years, Commissioner Pier said yesterday, when provision was made for the removal of the building which has been at East 39th and Glisan streets. The public works department will deed the strip to the park bureau, which will maintain it hereafter.
Coe Circle to Be Park
The other half of the Coe circle will become a parked area, with the removal of the building which has been there for several years, Commissioner Pier said yesterday, when provision was made for the removal of the building which has been at East 39th and Glisan streets. The public works department will deed the strip to the park bureau, which will maintain it hereafter.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
May 1925: Coe Circle Named
The Oregonian, 28 May 1925
Site Named Coe Circle
Site Donor to be Honored by City Commissioners
The circle at East 39th and East Glisan streets, which is the site for the statue of Joan of Arc given to the city by Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, will be known hereafter as "Coe Circle," it was determined by the city council yesterday.
The Laurelhurst Daddies' club suggested that because of the numerous gifts Dr. Coe had made to the city and his public spirit generally, the city should honor him by naming the site after him. An ordinance will be prepared by the city attorney and presented at the meeting of the council next Wednesday.
The statue will be unveiled and given to the city Saturday at 11 AM at patriotic ceremonies.
The Oregonian, 17 May 1925
Clear Statue View Aim
30 Trees to be Removed for Joan of Arc Gift
About 30 trees will be removed from the circle at East 39th and East Glisan streets so the view of the statue of Joan of Arc to be given the city by Dr. Henry Waldo Coe will be obscured.
Opposition to the removal of the trees appeared from the art commission, which that a suitable frame of trees should be left for the statue and all of the dead and undesirable trees removed. Dr. Coe, however, wanted the view of the statue clear from all angles and in this view Commissioner Pier agreed.
The trees will be removed by the park bureau and some of them may be used elsewhere. Shrubs and flowers will be planted in the lot about the statue, which will be dedicated May 30 at patriotic exercises.
Site Named Coe Circle
Site Donor to be Honored by City Commissioners
The circle at East 39th and East Glisan streets, which is the site for the statue of Joan of Arc given to the city by Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, will be known hereafter as "Coe Circle," it was determined by the city council yesterday.
The Laurelhurst Daddies' club suggested that because of the numerous gifts Dr. Coe had made to the city and his public spirit generally, the city should honor him by naming the site after him. An ordinance will be prepared by the city attorney and presented at the meeting of the council next Wednesday.
The statue will be unveiled and given to the city Saturday at 11 AM at patriotic ceremonies.
The Oregonian, 17 May 1925
Clear Statue View Aim
30 Trees to be Removed for Joan of Arc Gift
About 30 trees will be removed from the circle at East 39th and East Glisan streets so the view of the statue of Joan of Arc to be given the city by Dr. Henry Waldo Coe will be obscured.
Opposition to the removal of the trees appeared from the art commission, which that a suitable frame of trees should be left for the statue and all of the dead and undesirable trees removed. Dr. Coe, however, wanted the view of the statue clear from all angles and in this view Commissioner Pier agreed.
The trees will be removed by the park bureau and some of them may be used elsewhere. Shrubs and flowers will be planted in the lot about the statue, which will be dedicated May 30 at patriotic exercises.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Dec 1924: Statue Controversy
The Oregonian, 12 Dec 1924
Funds for Statues Promised by Mayor
Plans for Overcoming of Veto Kept Secret
Tax Commissions Refusal Angers Portland Officials and Hot Row is Started
Funds for the bases for two statues to be given to the city by Dr. Henry Waldo Coe will be provided despite the state tax conservation-commission which eliminated $7000 from the city budget for that purpose. Mayor Baker announced yesterday. Just how the mayor planned to overcome the veto of the tax commission, he did not indicate yesterday, but he declared that the money would be forthcoming and the statues saved to Portland. One is a statue of Joan of Arc and the other is George Washington. Later, Dr. Coe has announced that he plans to give the city a statue of Lincoln.
All city officials were irate yesterday at the refusal of the tax commission to grant the funds for the statue bases. There was a suggestion from city officials and from attorneys and business men that a collection be taken to raise the funds. Dr. Coe is opposed to the collection idea because it would mean a heavy tax on the few who would contribute, and he feels that the statues will be of benefit to the whole city. He has had invitations from Seattle and many other cities to donate his statues there, but he said that he would wait awhile, as he had hopes that Portland would want them.
Funds for Statues Promised by Mayor
Plans for Overcoming of Veto Kept Secret
Tax Commissions Refusal Angers Portland Officials and Hot Row is Started
Funds for the bases for two statues to be given to the city by Dr. Henry Waldo Coe will be provided despite the state tax conservation-commission which eliminated $7000 from the city budget for that purpose. Mayor Baker announced yesterday. Just how the mayor planned to overcome the veto of the tax commission, he did not indicate yesterday, but he declared that the money would be forthcoming and the statues saved to Portland. One is a statue of Joan of Arc and the other is George Washington. Later, Dr. Coe has announced that he plans to give the city a statue of Lincoln.
All city officials were irate yesterday at the refusal of the tax commission to grant the funds for the statue bases. There was a suggestion from city officials and from attorneys and business men that a collection be taken to raise the funds. Dr. Coe is opposed to the collection idea because it would mean a heavy tax on the few who would contribute, and he feels that the statues will be of benefit to the whole city. He has had invitations from Seattle and many other cities to donate his statues there, but he said that he would wait awhile, as he had hopes that Portland would want them.
"You always have more trouble with your best girl than with any other," the doctor said, "and Portland is my best girl. I am just now getting my breath after this shock. I don't want them to take up a subscription because they would get the first few men available, and the tax on them would be too great. If the commission had left those items in the budget, it would have meant that each person in Portland would have paid 2 cents, and I think that is a mighty cheap price for art."
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Feb 1924: Joan of Arc Statue
The Oregonian 24 Feb 1924
Dr. Coe to Give City Joan of Arc Statue
Bronze Replica of Famed Work to be Cast
Figure, Reproduced From That by Frémiet, Will be Received Here Within Six Months
Paris, Feb 23-- A full-sized replica in bronze of the most celebrated of all the statues of Jeanne d'Arc is to be placed in one of the public squares of Portland as the gift of Dr. Henry Waldo Coe.
This announcement was made today by Dr. Coe after he had completed arrangements for the casting of the statue, which is to be ready for shipment in four months.
The statue is that by Emmanuel Frémiet, noted French sculptor of 50 years ago. It stands at the Place de Rivoli, off the Rue de Rivoli, just opposite the gardens of the Tuilleries. Every American tourist who has been to Paris has an eye for art knows the statue, for not only is it one of the most celebrated of the hundreds of public statues in Paris, but it is placed in the heart of the fashionable hotel district where Americans and other foreigners gather.
The statue is to be cast from the original moulds by Barbedlenne, a noted establishment which holds reproduction rights to all Frémiet's statues. It will be shipped through the canal to Portland, and should reach the Rose City within six months at the most.
This gift by Dr. Coe is in addition to the other three statues--one of Lincoln, one of Washington, and one of Dr. John McLaughlin--which he will give the city, as announced by him upon his departure from Portland for his European trip.
"I think it is most fitting that the sturdy French pioneers who helped to settle the Oregon country should have some recognition," said Dr. Coe. "That stretch of the Willamette valley between Portland and Salem, including the French Prairie region, was largely reclaimed from a wilderness by the early French."
Dr. Coe to Give City Joan of Arc Statue
Bronze Replica of Famed Work to be Cast
Figure, Reproduced From That by Frémiet, Will be Received Here Within Six Months
Paris, Feb 23-- A full-sized replica in bronze of the most celebrated of all the statues of Jeanne d'Arc is to be placed in one of the public squares of Portland as the gift of Dr. Henry Waldo Coe.
This announcement was made today by Dr. Coe after he had completed arrangements for the casting of the statue, which is to be ready for shipment in four months.
The statue is that by Emmanuel Frémiet, noted French sculptor of 50 years ago. It stands at the Place de Rivoli, off the Rue de Rivoli, just opposite the gardens of the Tuilleries. Every American tourist who has been to Paris has an eye for art knows the statue, for not only is it one of the most celebrated of the hundreds of public statues in Paris, but it is placed in the heart of the fashionable hotel district where Americans and other foreigners gather.
The statue is to be cast from the original moulds by Barbedlenne, a noted establishment which holds reproduction rights to all Frémiet's statues. It will be shipped through the canal to Portland, and should reach the Rose City within six months at the most.
This gift by Dr. Coe is in addition to the other three statues--one of Lincoln, one of Washington, and one of Dr. John McLaughlin--which he will give the city, as announced by him upon his departure from Portland for his European trip.
"I think it is most fitting that the sturdy French pioneers who helped to settle the Oregon country should have some recognition," said Dr. Coe. "That stretch of the Willamette valley between Portland and Salem, including the French Prairie region, was largely reclaimed from a wilderness by the early French."
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Winter 1922: Circle Park Controversy
The Oregonian, 18 Dec 1921
Objectors Are Answered
Laurelhurst Building Proposal Held Legal
Building Restrictions Declared Not to Bar Structure Designed for Purpose of Market
That building restrictions in Laurelhurst never had applied to the small park block at East 39th and Glisan streets was the answer yesterday of the Laurelhurst company, Paul C. Murphy andd the J.W. McFadden Building company to the injunction suit filed in the circuit court by A.C. Ward and other residence owners seeking to prevent the erection of a combined meat market, grocery and drug store at the location.
It is further asserted that the companies planning to erect such a building--which, it is claimed, would have all the artistic appearance of a private residence--are financially interested in maintaining the "class" of the residential district to a far greater extent than any of the petitioners.
Up to November 28 last the Laurelhurst company maintained its business office on the park block in question and the building has always been a voting place for elections. The block is not a part of Laurelhurst Northeast, Laurelhurst Southwest, and the restrictions on Laurelhurst Northwest were never placed on nor intended for block A and B of that plat, it is asserted.
The McFadden Company contends that it would be the last to desire property values injured by permitting undesirable business houses to enter Laurelhurst, claiming to have for sale homes in that district ranging in price from $5000 to $38,500.
Objectors Are Answered
Laurelhurst Building Proposal Held Legal
Building Restrictions Declared Not to Bar Structure Designed for Purpose of Market
That building restrictions in Laurelhurst never had applied to the small park block at East 39th and Glisan streets was the answer yesterday of the Laurelhurst company, Paul C. Murphy andd the J.W. McFadden Building company to the injunction suit filed in the circuit court by A.C. Ward and other residence owners seeking to prevent the erection of a combined meat market, grocery and drug store at the location.
It is further asserted that the companies planning to erect such a building--which, it is claimed, would have all the artistic appearance of a private residence--are financially interested in maintaining the "class" of the residential district to a far greater extent than any of the petitioners.
Up to November 28 last the Laurelhurst company maintained its business office on the park block in question and the building has always been a voting place for elections. The block is not a part of Laurelhurst Northeast, Laurelhurst Southwest, and the restrictions on Laurelhurst Northwest were never placed on nor intended for block A and B of that plat, it is asserted.
The McFadden Company contends that it would be the last to desire property values injured by permitting undesirable business houses to enter Laurelhurst, claiming to have for sale homes in that district ranging in price from $5000 to $38,500.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Aug 1919: Laurelhurst Park
The Oregonian, 9 Aug 1919
Laurelhurst Park Prettiest Spot in All Portland
by James D. Olson
Virgin forests which in bygone days covered the area now comprising the large east side of Portland are brought to mind when one enters Laurelhurst Park. Standing on all sides of a beautiful lake, augmented by a wide variety of choice shrubbery, the trees furnish a picturesque scene difficult to surpass.
Laurelhurst park is the mecca for those who seek to rest, those who desire to commune to nature and, above all, the delight of the kiddies who love to romp without restraint amid the natural beauties of the universe.
Thirty acres were obtained by the city of Portland in 1911 for Laurelhurst park. Sit as it is in the center of a beautiful residential district, easy of access from street car lines and main automobile thoroughfares, the park has become one of the most popular recreation spots in Portland. On hot days, especially when Old Sol’s rays are beating on the city’s pavement, the breezes murmuring in the trees in Laurelhurst bring comfort to all within its confines. It is said by park authorities that there is never a time when breezes do not blow in Laurelhurst park.
Lake Covers Three Acres
The lake is this park covers three acres and furnishes the home of countless ducks and geese. In supreme control of this lake, its inhabitants and its trespassers is General John J. Pershing, the all-white swan, whose name, given him in honor of America’s famous military chieftain, is a result of the swan’s constant militant attitude.
Day of sight, General Pershing “polices” the lake, and either by inference or speedy action, forbids children or grownups from approaching the edge of the lake shore. For General Pershing believes, it seems, that the beauties of the lake can be discerned from a distance. As a result of his watchfulness, the officials of the park bureau say, many children have been prevented from falling into the lake and thus obtaining an uncomfortable ducking or, possibly, even worse, loss of life.
In addition to his “watch on the lake” General Pershing assumes parental attitude on each brood of ducklings which appears at Laurelhurst. Acting as guard over the nest, preventing overzealous amateur ornithologists from making casual or other investigations, has become a fixed duty in the life of this recognized supervisor of the lake.
Lake Once Favorite Swimming Hole
Many of Portland’s austere, business men remember Laurelhurst lake as their favorite “swimmin’ hole” 30 years ago. At that time it was much smaller and was fringed with tules. Then, as now, a spring fed the lake, preventing stagnation and providing a clear, fresh body of water.
The park bureau drains the lake once or twice each year, after which Bull Run water is used in refilling it. At all other times the flow from the spring is sufficient to keep it in fresh condition. A few years ago, when Portland was faced with an unemployment situation, with thousands of men seeking work, the old swimming hole was transformed into a lake by enlargement and deepening.
Portland lays just claim to the greatest variety of choice shrubs planted in one place on the Pacific coast, and this display exists in Laurelhurst park. The planting of these shrubs was done with the idea of having something in bloom at all times. The shrubbery is augmented by annuals and perennials which add to the color scheme and beauty of the park.
Laurelhurst Park Prettiest Spot in All Portland
by James D. Olson
Virgin forests which in bygone days covered the area now comprising the large east side of Portland are brought to mind when one enters Laurelhurst Park. Standing on all sides of a beautiful lake, augmented by a wide variety of choice shrubbery, the trees furnish a picturesque scene difficult to surpass.
Laurelhurst park is the mecca for those who seek to rest, those who desire to commune to nature and, above all, the delight of the kiddies who love to romp without restraint amid the natural beauties of the universe.
Thirty acres were obtained by the city of Portland in 1911 for Laurelhurst park. Sit as it is in the center of a beautiful residential district, easy of access from street car lines and main automobile thoroughfares, the park has become one of the most popular recreation spots in Portland. On hot days, especially when Old Sol’s rays are beating on the city’s pavement, the breezes murmuring in the trees in Laurelhurst bring comfort to all within its confines. It is said by park authorities that there is never a time when breezes do not blow in Laurelhurst park.
Lake Covers Three Acres
The lake is this park covers three acres and furnishes the home of countless ducks and geese. In supreme control of this lake, its inhabitants and its trespassers is General John J. Pershing, the all-white swan, whose name, given him in honor of America’s famous military chieftain, is a result of the swan’s constant militant attitude.
Day of sight, General Pershing “polices” the lake, and either by inference or speedy action, forbids children or grownups from approaching the edge of the lake shore. For General Pershing believes, it seems, that the beauties of the lake can be discerned from a distance. As a result of his watchfulness, the officials of the park bureau say, many children have been prevented from falling into the lake and thus obtaining an uncomfortable ducking or, possibly, even worse, loss of life.
In addition to his “watch on the lake” General Pershing assumes parental attitude on each brood of ducklings which appears at Laurelhurst. Acting as guard over the nest, preventing overzealous amateur ornithologists from making casual or other investigations, has become a fixed duty in the life of this recognized supervisor of the lake.
Lake Once Favorite Swimming Hole
Many of Portland’s austere, business men remember Laurelhurst lake as their favorite “swimmin’ hole” 30 years ago. At that time it was much smaller and was fringed with tules. Then, as now, a spring fed the lake, preventing stagnation and providing a clear, fresh body of water.
The park bureau drains the lake once or twice each year, after which Bull Run water is used in refilling it. At all other times the flow from the spring is sufficient to keep it in fresh condition. A few years ago, when Portland was faced with an unemployment situation, with thousands of men seeking work, the old swimming hole was transformed into a lake by enlargement and deepening.
Portland lays just claim to the greatest variety of choice shrubs planted in one place on the Pacific coast, and this display exists in Laurelhurst park. The planting of these shrubs was done with the idea of having something in bloom at all times. The shrubbery is augmented by annuals and perennials which add to the color scheme and beauty of the park.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Nov 1917: All Saints Church
The Oregonian 4 Nov 1917
New Church in Laurelhurst to Be of Tudor Gothic Style
Work is well underway on the new All Saints' Roman Catholic Church, to be built at East 39th and Hoyt Streets, in Laurelhurst. The church edifice for which the architects are Jacobberger & Smith, will be of the Tudor Gothic style. The chapel will be all wood panels and beams. The rectory will be attached to the church building, and will include an office, living room, kitchen and four bedrooms, in additional to the sacristy, which is partly in the rectory and partly in the church building proper. The cost of the church is to be about $10,000.
The Oregonian, 21 Jan 1918
New Chapel is Dedicated
Archbishop Christie Presides at Services at Laurelhurst
A beautiful service yesterday morning was the dedication of All Saints Chapel at Laurelhurst. The Rt. Rev. Alexander Christie, archbishop of Oregon, presided at the mass delivered and the dedicatory sermon.
Father de Lorimer sang the mass and in the ceremonies Father William Cronin, who build the church and who is its pastor, assisted. The new building is at East 39th and Glisan streets, in Laurelhurst, and already has a large membership. It is artistically designed and well situated. The parishioners are taking a decided interest, as was evidenced yesterday in the good attendance at the ceremonies.
New Church in Laurelhurst to Be of Tudor Gothic Style
Work is well underway on the new All Saints' Roman Catholic Church, to be built at East 39th and Hoyt Streets, in Laurelhurst. The church edifice for which the architects are Jacobberger & Smith, will be of the Tudor Gothic style. The chapel will be all wood panels and beams. The rectory will be attached to the church building, and will include an office, living room, kitchen and four bedrooms, in additional to the sacristy, which is partly in the rectory and partly in the church building proper. The cost of the church is to be about $10,000.
The Oregonian, 21 Jan 1918
New Chapel is Dedicated
Archbishop Christie Presides at Services at Laurelhurst
A beautiful service yesterday morning was the dedication of All Saints Chapel at Laurelhurst. The Rt. Rev. Alexander Christie, archbishop of Oregon, presided at the mass delivered and the dedicatory sermon.
Father de Lorimer sang the mass and in the ceremonies Father William Cronin, who build the church and who is its pastor, assisted. The new building is at East 39th and Glisan streets, in Laurelhurst, and already has a large membership. It is artistically designed and well situated. The parishioners are taking a decided interest, as was evidenced yesterday in the good attendance at the ceremonies.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Sep 1914: Henry Lot Auction
The Oregonian, 20 Sep 1914
Real Estate Auction
The real estate to be sold at auction by Chas. K. Henry on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, the 28th, 29th, and 30th of September, the sale to be held in the ball room of the Multnomah Hotel at 8PM each evening will embrace the following properties, which will be sold on the respective dates for cash or part cash to the highest bidder.
[Sorry, I'm not going to type out the listings.]
The above properties are being sold by me on account of having been forced to take them from a certain Trust company, and as I am not living in the city I have concluded to offer them to the buying public, having every assurance that the goods are attractive to intelligent buyers.
It is true that we have many pessimists in Portland, but sensible men and women know the time to buy property is when it can be had cheap and when everybody is selling.
The eyes of the world are upon, and the longings of millions of people are to be in, the United States, which, under the guidance of our clear-headed, far-sighted, patriotic President Wilson (the cleverest and best President the country has had since the martyred Lincoln), is as certain to grow as that the sun will rise, and cities like Portland must grow also.
No man or woman can make a mistake in buying such properties as the above at the present prevailing prices. These lots will be sold to the highest bidder regardless of company list prices.
I will be at my former office in the Henry Bldg, telephone, Marshall 892, from 9 to 5 each day and will give any information as to terms, conditions, etc., wanted. Inspect the property and be ready with your bids, as we do mean business.
Charles K. Henry (signed)
Real Estate Auction
The real estate to be sold at auction by Chas. K. Henry on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, the 28th, 29th, and 30th of September, the sale to be held in the ball room of the Multnomah Hotel at 8PM each evening will embrace the following properties, which will be sold on the respective dates for cash or part cash to the highest bidder.
[Sorry, I'm not going to type out the listings.]
The above properties are being sold by me on account of having been forced to take them from a certain Trust company, and as I am not living in the city I have concluded to offer them to the buying public, having every assurance that the goods are attractive to intelligent buyers.
It is true that we have many pessimists in Portland, but sensible men and women know the time to buy property is when it can be had cheap and when everybody is selling.
The eyes of the world are upon, and the longings of millions of people are to be in, the United States, which, under the guidance of our clear-headed, far-sighted, patriotic President Wilson (the cleverest and best President the country has had since the martyred Lincoln), is as certain to grow as that the sun will rise, and cities like Portland must grow also.
No man or woman can make a mistake in buying such properties as the above at the present prevailing prices. These lots will be sold to the highest bidder regardless of company list prices.
I will be at my former office in the Henry Bldg, telephone, Marshall 892, from 9 to 5 each day and will give any information as to terms, conditions, etc., wanted. Inspect the property and be ready with your bids, as we do mean business.
Charles K. Henry (signed)
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Dec 1913: Laurelhurst School
The Oregonian, 28 Dec 1913
School Site Obtained
Board Buys Laurelhurst Block from Mead & Murphy
Price Paid for Land is $33,500 and Suggestion is Made to Establish Cottage Plan Institutions
The Portland School Board completed negotiations last week for a new school site in Laurelhurst consisting of a block bounded by Royal Court, Laurelhurst Ave, East 41st and East 52nd Streets. The property was purchased from Mead & Murphy for $33,500.
Several suggestions have been made regarding the type of school to be erected. Although the School Board declined to give definite information on the subject, it is probable that the new school will consist of a number of cottages built around the exterior of the block, with a court in the center, in what is known as the cottage school system.
This, say the supporters of the plan, would insure safety in case of fire, besides preventing the disturbance of students in one room by confusion in another.
The people of Laurelhurst are enthusiastic over the new school, for it is in the center of an area of 677 blocks between East 28th, East 10th, East 57th, North and East Hancock Streets, which has formerly been without a school. It is asserted that some of the children have been walking a distance of 23 blocks to school.
School Site Obtained
Board Buys Laurelhurst Block from Mead & Murphy
Price Paid for Land is $33,500 and Suggestion is Made to Establish Cottage Plan Institutions
The Portland School Board completed negotiations last week for a new school site in Laurelhurst consisting of a block bounded by Royal Court, Laurelhurst Ave, East 41st and East 52nd Streets. The property was purchased from Mead & Murphy for $33,500.
Several suggestions have been made regarding the type of school to be erected. Although the School Board declined to give definite information on the subject, it is probable that the new school will consist of a number of cottages built around the exterior of the block, with a court in the center, in what is known as the cottage school system.
This, say the supporters of the plan, would insure safety in case of fire, besides preventing the disturbance of students in one room by confusion in another.
The people of Laurelhurst are enthusiastic over the new school, for it is in the center of an area of 677 blocks between East 28th, East 10th, East 57th, North and East Hancock Streets, which has formerly been without a school. It is asserted that some of the children have been walking a distance of 23 blocks to school.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Jun 1913: Albee Home
The Sunday Oregonian, 15 Jun 1913
Mayor-Elect Albee's Home in Laurelhurst One of Portland Most Striking Residences
Arrangement of Interior is Along Simple Lines, Although Finish is of Costly Material--
Individual Ideas is Carried Out in General Design--Dwelling Represents Investment of $35,000
Among Portland's most beautiful homes is the residence of Mayor-elect H.R. Albee, which is situated on East Ankeny street, in Laurelhurst (overlooking Ladd Park). The house is unique in many details and was designed in accordance with Mr. Albee's individual ideas of residence construction.
It is a two-story brick structure and was built at an approximate cost of $25,000. Together with the site the home represents an investment of more than $35,000.
The interior is of elaborate finish, yet is designed along plain lines, giving a restrained and homelike atmosphere. The library is finished in quarter-sawn oak, the walls and ceiling being paneled with the same material. The drawing room is in white enamel. The dining room is exquisite with its finish in selected West Indian mahogany. One of the features of the house is the beautiful mahogany staircase leading from the entrance hall. The sleeping apartments are finished in hand-rubbed old ivory and white enamel.
Mayor-Elect Albee's Home in Laurelhurst One of Portland Most Striking Residences
Arrangement of Interior is Along Simple Lines, Although Finish is of Costly Material--
Individual Ideas is Carried Out in General Design--Dwelling Represents Investment of $35,000
Among Portland's most beautiful homes is the residence of Mayor-elect H.R. Albee, which is situated on East Ankeny street, in Laurelhurst (overlooking Ladd Park). The house is unique in many details and was designed in accordance with Mr. Albee's individual ideas of residence construction.
It is a two-story brick structure and was built at an approximate cost of $25,000. Together with the site the home represents an investment of more than $35,000.
The interior is of elaborate finish, yet is designed along plain lines, giving a restrained and homelike atmosphere. The library is finished in quarter-sawn oak, the walls and ceiling being paneled with the same material. The drawing room is in white enamel. The dining room is exquisite with its finish in selected West Indian mahogany. One of the features of the house is the beautiful mahogany staircase leading from the entrance hall. The sleeping apartments are finished in hand-rubbed old ivory and white enamel.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
1913 Updates
The Sunday Oregonian, 26 Jan 1913
Many Beautiful and Costly Homes Built Recently in Laurelhurst
Many Beautiful and Costly Homes Built Recently in Laurelhurst
Nearly 500 Dwellings, Modern and Distinctive in Design, Are Completed Since This Fine Addition Was Opened.
Many of the most beautiful homes in Portland have been erected in Laurelhurst in the past year and the district now contains between 400 and 500 homes of the best character. The foregoing pictures illustrate types of some of the dwelling of recent construction in this residence district. Many prominent Portland men have homes in this district. The homes of W.L. Saunders, D.H. Brown, recently of Saginam, Mich., Herr Waidemar Lind, and the residence erected by Frank A. Steele for the Chapin-Harlow Company and the home of H.R. Albee are also types of construction in this addition erected the past year.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Jun 1913: Henry Residence Sold
The Oregonian, 14 Jun 1913
The C.K. Henry Residence to be Sold at Auction TODAY
Saturday, June 14th, at 2:30 PM
Northeast Corner of East Glisan Street and Laddington Court
Sale Will be Held on the Premises
This beautiful residence occupies an elevation of 250 feet above the river, erected on the site of the old Ladd Farm house under Mr. Henry's personal supervision and inspection. He and his family having camped in the old farm house while this residence was being erected, and being intended for the final home, received the utmost care and attention from Mr. Henry as to every particle of material and labor put into the dwelling.
The site is one of the most healthful and attractive locations in the City of Portland, and receives more hours of sunlight than any other elevated spot in Portland, commanding a view of mountains and all directions of the compass.
The stone work in the residence is of the finest. Every window, from basement to attic, and every glass door, is fitted with best selected plate glass; basement is fully finished in Keene's English cement, with iron columns instead of wood posts. The first floor is finished throughout in solid mahogany as fine as shown in any Steinway Piano, being the best specimen of work ever done by the Parelius Manufacturing Company. The hot water heating plant and plumbing was supplied and put in by Jacobsen-DeTemple Company in their best manner. One the second floor every door, including closet doors, are Pitcher Perfection Sliding Doors, requiring double partitions. Hardwood floors throughout, not the ordinary three or 5/8th, but 7/8ths of an inch thick; best piece of hardwood flooring laid down in the city. Porches and terraces are all laid with Welch Quarry Tile, done by the Oregon Art Tile Company, and is one of the finest pieces of work done on the Coast. There are five open fireplace in the house, four of Rookwood Pottery Tile and one of glass Faience in the living room.
Mr. Henry erected and caused to be erected a number of large buildings in the city, and it seemed as it material man, as well as mechanic, took the utmost care to supply the best of goods and give the best of workmanship in this beautiful dwelling. Every door and window is supplied with rustless metal weather stripping and screens. In every detail the house has been fully considered, and inspection will prove it first class in every particular.
The grounds, comprising nearly ten lots, are beautifully landscaped, and contain some of the finest shrubs, flowers and trees to be had. The pool and pergola and tea house on the grounds are artistic and finely built. The location of the property is fine. 26 miles of paved streets surround it, and a direct paved street into the city, as well as car service passes in front of the property.
Furniture, furnishing and Oriental rugs, if wanted, can be had at private purchase after the sale.
Mr. Henry, having sold the Henry Building and other properties here, and moving to Southern California, is his sole reason for selling this property.
This property will be sold to the highest bidder. There is no mortgage upon it, and Mr. Henry is ready to give liberal terms on same. Intending purchasers can see plans and arrange for inspection of the property by applying to Mr. Henry, at his office, 83 Fourth Street, Henry Building.
The C.K. Henry Residence to be Sold at Auction TODAY
Saturday, June 14th, at 2:30 PM
Northeast Corner of East Glisan Street and Laddington Court
Sale Will be Held on the Premises
This beautiful residence occupies an elevation of 250 feet above the river, erected on the site of the old Ladd Farm house under Mr. Henry's personal supervision and inspection. He and his family having camped in the old farm house while this residence was being erected, and being intended for the final home, received the utmost care and attention from Mr. Henry as to every particle of material and labor put into the dwelling.
The site is one of the most healthful and attractive locations in the City of Portland, and receives more hours of sunlight than any other elevated spot in Portland, commanding a view of mountains and all directions of the compass.
The stone work in the residence is of the finest. Every window, from basement to attic, and every glass door, is fitted with best selected plate glass; basement is fully finished in Keene's English cement, with iron columns instead of wood posts. The first floor is finished throughout in solid mahogany as fine as shown in any Steinway Piano, being the best specimen of work ever done by the Parelius Manufacturing Company. The hot water heating plant and plumbing was supplied and put in by Jacobsen-DeTemple Company in their best manner. One the second floor every door, including closet doors, are Pitcher Perfection Sliding Doors, requiring double partitions. Hardwood floors throughout, not the ordinary three or 5/8th, but 7/8ths of an inch thick; best piece of hardwood flooring laid down in the city. Porches and terraces are all laid with Welch Quarry Tile, done by the Oregon Art Tile Company, and is one of the finest pieces of work done on the Coast. There are five open fireplace in the house, four of Rookwood Pottery Tile and one of glass Faience in the living room.
Mr. Henry erected and caused to be erected a number of large buildings in the city, and it seemed as it material man, as well as mechanic, took the utmost care to supply the best of goods and give the best of workmanship in this beautiful dwelling. Every door and window is supplied with rustless metal weather stripping and screens. In every detail the house has been fully considered, and inspection will prove it first class in every particular.
The grounds, comprising nearly ten lots, are beautifully landscaped, and contain some of the finest shrubs, flowers and trees to be had. The pool and pergola and tea house on the grounds are artistic and finely built. The location of the property is fine. 26 miles of paved streets surround it, and a direct paved street into the city, as well as car service passes in front of the property.
Furniture, furnishing and Oriental rugs, if wanted, can be had at private purchase after the sale.
Mr. Henry, having sold the Henry Building and other properties here, and moving to Southern California, is his sole reason for selling this property.
This property will be sold to the highest bidder. There is no mortgage upon it, and Mr. Henry is ready to give liberal terms on same. Intending purchasers can see plans and arrange for inspection of the property by applying to Mr. Henry, at his office, 83 Fourth Street, Henry Building.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Spring 1913: Clubhouse Plans
The Sunday Oregonian, 26 Jan 1913
$24,000 Fund is Expected for Erection of Laurelhurst Club
Officers Elected for New Social Organization and Unanimity of Sentiment as to Plans Prevails at First Meeting. Sunken Grounds With Club Balconies Overlooking, is Early Suggestion.
Active efforts are being put forth to erect one of the most pretentious social clubhouses in the city by the residents of Laurelhurst. Plans of a tentative nature have been laid and practical lines of establishing a building fund have been suggested by C.K. Henry.
Preliminary meetings have been held, resulting in a temporary organization, with the following officers: President, J.D. Fenton, M.D.; vice-president, Charles Ringler; secretary, Owen Summers; treasurer, Rufus Ball; directors, Herbert McCutchan, L.H. Maxwell and T.S. Townsend.
Less than two months ago the movement was inaugurated at the residence of Herbert McCutchan. Succeeding meetings were called at the office of the Laurelhurst Company, resulting in the adoption of constitution and bylaws and the appointment of committees. At the last meeting the matter of location was considered, and a delegation from the Rose City Park Club was present to outline the plans that were followed in the financing of their recently-opened home in Rose City Park.
Although it has not been definitely decided, the consensus of opinion seems to favor the location of the new building opposite Laurelhurst Park, on East 39th street. From the street the 14 lots under consideration slope toward the park, forming a natural arena quite similar to the topography of the new Multnomah Club. Preliminary plans suggest that the tennis courts located at the lower end of the grounds, close to the park. By this arrangement, the rear balconies of the clubhouse would provide a grandstand from which games and athletic contests on the field below could be viewed.
Considerable discussion brought out an almost unanimous sentiment that the clubhouse should be for the exclusive use of the members of the club, and that the halls and other rooms be not leased out for public or private functions aside from those of the members. The Irvington Club was pointed to as the type that the Laurelhurst Club should flow, and the idea prevailed.
C.K. Henry, one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the club movement, carried the day with a suggestion as to the proper method to pursue relative to the building fund that will have to be secured before operations can begin. Being the owner of about 100 sites in Laurelhurst, he submitted a plan that every owner in Laurelhurst be asked to contribute $10 for each lot owned. By this method a fund of $24,000 would be provided. Mr. Henry agreed to stand his portion, and urged the adoption of the plan. The matter was deferred until the new meeting, when it is expected that it will be adopted.
The meeting of the club, February 3, will take up the matter of location and building fund, settling them definitely, enabling the organization to proceed without delay.
No plans for the building have been considered up to this time, although a sentiment prevails among the officers and directors that the arrangement of the building be left to a competitive contest among the local architects, with three prizes, the contract for the work and two cash prizes.
$24,000 Fund is Expected for Erection of Laurelhurst Club
Officers Elected for New Social Organization and Unanimity of Sentiment as to Plans Prevails at First Meeting. Sunken Grounds With Club Balconies Overlooking, is Early Suggestion.
Active efforts are being put forth to erect one of the most pretentious social clubhouses in the city by the residents of Laurelhurst. Plans of a tentative nature have been laid and practical lines of establishing a building fund have been suggested by C.K. Henry.
Preliminary meetings have been held, resulting in a temporary organization, with the following officers: President, J.D. Fenton, M.D.; vice-president, Charles Ringler; secretary, Owen Summers; treasurer, Rufus Ball; directors, Herbert McCutchan, L.H. Maxwell and T.S. Townsend.
Less than two months ago the movement was inaugurated at the residence of Herbert McCutchan. Succeeding meetings were called at the office of the Laurelhurst Company, resulting in the adoption of constitution and bylaws and the appointment of committees. At the last meeting the matter of location was considered, and a delegation from the Rose City Park Club was present to outline the plans that were followed in the financing of their recently-opened home in Rose City Park.
Although it has not been definitely decided, the consensus of opinion seems to favor the location of the new building opposite Laurelhurst Park, on East 39th street. From the street the 14 lots under consideration slope toward the park, forming a natural arena quite similar to the topography of the new Multnomah Club. Preliminary plans suggest that the tennis courts located at the lower end of the grounds, close to the park. By this arrangement, the rear balconies of the clubhouse would provide a grandstand from which games and athletic contests on the field below could be viewed.
Considerable discussion brought out an almost unanimous sentiment that the clubhouse should be for the exclusive use of the members of the club, and that the halls and other rooms be not leased out for public or private functions aside from those of the members. The Irvington Club was pointed to as the type that the Laurelhurst Club should flow, and the idea prevailed.
C.K. Henry, one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the club movement, carried the day with a suggestion as to the proper method to pursue relative to the building fund that will have to be secured before operations can begin. Being the owner of about 100 sites in Laurelhurst, he submitted a plan that every owner in Laurelhurst be asked to contribute $10 for each lot owned. By this method a fund of $24,000 would be provided. Mr. Henry agreed to stand his portion, and urged the adoption of the plan. The matter was deferred until the new meeting, when it is expected that it will be adopted.
The meeting of the club, February 3, will take up the matter of location and building fund, settling them definitely, enabling the organization to proceed without delay.
No plans for the building have been considered up to this time, although a sentiment prevails among the officers and directors that the arrangement of the building be left to a competitive contest among the local architects, with three prizes, the contract for the work and two cash prizes.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Sept 1912: Many Homes Rise
The Sunday Oregonian, 29 Sept 1912
Many Homes Rise
Laurelhurst Makes Big Gain in New Dwellings
District Draws Buyers
Since Beginning of Building Season Over 100 Handsome Residences Have Been Completed—Several Costly Houses Planned
Laurelhurst, Portland’s beautiful East Side residential district has been making big strides all the year, there having been built since the beginning of the building season over 100 dwellings. Many of these new homes are very attractive and costly. There are a large number of new houses planned of still more elaborate designs, several of the new houses to cost from $10,000 to $30,000.
Builders have been operating in Laurelhurst all Summer, and they find ready sales of modern houses, so great is the demand of buyers locate in a district containing all modern and standard improvements.
W.W. Ward has purchased the northeast corner at East 39th and East Davis streets for $4750. With this purchase Mr. Ward now has 110x200 feet. He will make extensive improvements on the grounds. He completed a handsome home on this site some time ago. W.B. Moore has sold his new, modern, seven-room house on East Everett street to William Neilson, who will occupy it as a home.
The new residence of Charles M. Dewey, of the Pacific Paper Company, which is being erected by the Moore Bros., is nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy by October 1. Judge Herbert Gale, of Manila, P.L. has purchased the residence recently erected by the National Realty & Trust Company on East Everett near 42nd, in Laurelhurst. T.G. Tidball has just purchased for a home the seven-room house just completed by Architects Hertz & Dole in Laurelhurst, on East Everett near 41st street. H.W. Hughes, of the Hibernia Savings Bank, has just occupied his beautiful new bungalow recently erected on the corner of East Davis and 41st streets, Laurelhurst. Mrs. Hughes is a daughter of Senator Tillman of South Carolina.
Many Homes Rise
Laurelhurst Makes Big Gain in New Dwellings
District Draws Buyers
Since Beginning of Building Season Over 100 Handsome Residences Have Been Completed—Several Costly Houses Planned
Laurelhurst, Portland’s beautiful East Side residential district has been making big strides all the year, there having been built since the beginning of the building season over 100 dwellings. Many of these new homes are very attractive and costly. There are a large number of new houses planned of still more elaborate designs, several of the new houses to cost from $10,000 to $30,000.
Builders have been operating in Laurelhurst all Summer, and they find ready sales of modern houses, so great is the demand of buyers locate in a district containing all modern and standard improvements.
W.W. Ward has purchased the northeast corner at East 39th and East Davis streets for $4750. With this purchase Mr. Ward now has 110x200 feet. He will make extensive improvements on the grounds. He completed a handsome home on this site some time ago. W.B. Moore has sold his new, modern, seven-room house on East Everett street to William Neilson, who will occupy it as a home.
The new residence of Charles M. Dewey, of the Pacific Paper Company, which is being erected by the Moore Bros., is nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy by October 1. Judge Herbert Gale, of Manila, P.L. has purchased the residence recently erected by the National Realty & Trust Company on East Everett near 42nd, in Laurelhurst. T.G. Tidball has just purchased for a home the seven-room house just completed by Architects Hertz & Dole in Laurelhurst, on East Everett near 41st street. H.W. Hughes, of the Hibernia Savings Bank, has just occupied his beautiful new bungalow recently erected on the corner of East Davis and 41st streets, Laurelhurst. Mrs. Hughes is a daughter of Senator Tillman of South Carolina.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Jul 1912: Ladd Park Name Changed
The Oregonian, 2 Feb 1912
Name Change is Asked
Williams Park May be Call Mount Tabor
Board Takes Subject Under Consideration--Assembly Building for Peninsula Advocated
Renewed efforts are being made to have the Mayor and members of the Park Board designate the name "Mount Tabor" for the part at that place, instead of Williams, as it is known now. The Board, at its session yesterday afternoon, took no action but decided to consider the subject. Suggestions were made to the Board that it name what is known as Ladd Park "Laurelhurst Park,"[emphasis added] and a new name is wanted also for the City Park. Some suggested Jefferson and others Lewis and Cark. No new names were adopted.
The Park at Mount Tabor was named Williams in honor of the late George H. Williams, one of Oregon's most illustrious men. In Joseph Simon's term as Mayor, he suggested that a park be named after Judge Williams, as a tribute of the city to his memory, and the Board designated the one at Mount Tabor.
Park Superintendent Mische recommended to the Board yesterday that an assembly building be erected at Peninsula Park, at a cost of $18,000. Mayor Rushlight declared the difference in the price of property now and what it will be by the time another bond issue is floated will warrant the Board in postponing construction of such a building until after districts now devoid of parks are supplied.
A committee was appointed to arrange for the band concerts be given this summer, beginning about July 1. It was suggested that a portable shell be constructed for these concerts.
J.E. Werlein and others presented to the Board a request that the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company be given a right of way over a corner of Mount Tabor Park, that the Mount Tabor streetcar line may be extended eastward.... [rest omitted]
Name Change is Asked
Williams Park May be Call Mount Tabor
Board Takes Subject Under Consideration--Assembly Building for Peninsula Advocated
Renewed efforts are being made to have the Mayor and members of the Park Board designate the name "Mount Tabor" for the part at that place, instead of Williams, as it is known now. The Board, at its session yesterday afternoon, took no action but decided to consider the subject. Suggestions were made to the Board that it name what is known as Ladd Park "Laurelhurst Park,"[emphasis added] and a new name is wanted also for the City Park. Some suggested Jefferson and others Lewis and Cark. No new names were adopted.
The Park at Mount Tabor was named Williams in honor of the late George H. Williams, one of Oregon's most illustrious men. In Joseph Simon's term as Mayor, he suggested that a park be named after Judge Williams, as a tribute of the city to his memory, and the Board designated the one at Mount Tabor.
Park Superintendent Mische recommended to the Board yesterday that an assembly building be erected at Peninsula Park, at a cost of $18,000. Mayor Rushlight declared the difference in the price of property now and what it will be by the time another bond issue is floated will warrant the Board in postponing construction of such a building until after districts now devoid of parks are supplied.
A committee was appointed to arrange for the band concerts be given this summer, beginning about July 1. It was suggested that a portable shell be constructed for these concerts.
J.E. Werlein and others presented to the Board a request that the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company be given a right of way over a corner of Mount Tabor Park, that the Mount Tabor streetcar line may be extended eastward.... [rest omitted]
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Jun 1912: The Story of Laurelhurst
Reprinted from “Laurelhurst Homes, A Monthly Journal,” published in Jun 1912 by Mead & Murphy.
It was a scant quarter of a century ago that W.S. Ladd, pioneer capitalist, in selecting the finest tract of land he could find about Portland on which to place his herd of imported Jersey cows, unconsciously picked out the site of Laurelhurst, today the most beautiful and aristocratic residence district of Portland. The gently sloping green area that he enclosed within a mile and a half of the Willamette River became the famous Hazelfern Farm, noted not more for its wonderful cattle than for its unparalleled natural beauties.
The beautiful Hazelfern Farm of 25 years ago is the even more beautiful Laurelhurst of this day.
Had the sturdy old pioneer banker sought to guide the future growth of the city he did so much to develop, when he set aside the land for the Hazelfern Farm, he could not by any chance have chosen better. It is doubtful if there is any high class residence district on the Pacific Coast that in natural advantages, beauty, accessibility, location, and all around desirability can compare to it; certainly there is none in Portland.
Laurelhurst is by natural endowment peculiarly an ideal site for a suburb of fine homes. When W.S. Ladd laid it out as his Hazelfern Farm, it was veritably in the wilderness and the mile and a half to the city lay through forest and by country road.
Now it is the very center of the East Side residence section, yet set apart and forever exclusive from surrounding territory by its advantage of position and location. And with all this, it is a mere 15-minute ride by [trolley] car to the business center.
Mr. Ladd, Sr., was influenced in his choice of Hazelfern Farm, we may suppose, partly because it lay high and sightly, along the top of a sort of easy plateau over 200 feet above the river, and for its fine soil and sunlight and mild breezes. In the sultriest day of summer it is free from the grime and dust and smoke of the city, while a gentle northwest breeze brings cool and comfort. Further to the east the soil becomes gravelly and difficult to cultivate, but all the former Hazelfern Farm is composed of deep, fertile loam.
The advantage of such a soil in a residence district may be seen today in the fine lawns and healthy flower beds that make every Laurelhurst yard an individual beauty spot.
The story of how the choice tract was transformed in a few months from farm to residence district with beautiful homes, paved streets, cluster lights and every possible convenience is as interesting as that of the original Hazelfern Farm of a quarter century ago. The birth of a wonderful development are due to two Seattle men, Frank F. Mead and Paul C. Murphy, who, realizing Portland’s opportunities for legitimate real estate development, came here a little more than two years ago.
They had looked around the city but a short time when they saw the Hazelfern Farm, the present Laurelhurst. Their broad experience enabled them to recognize instantly its great possibilities as an exclusive residence section, and they determined to handle it at whatever cost.
It was a scant quarter of a century ago that W.S. Ladd, pioneer capitalist, in selecting the finest tract of land he could find about Portland on which to place his herd of imported Jersey cows, unconsciously picked out the site of Laurelhurst, today the most beautiful and aristocratic residence district of Portland. The gently sloping green area that he enclosed within a mile and a half of the Willamette River became the famous Hazelfern Farm, noted not more for its wonderful cattle than for its unparalleled natural beauties.
The beautiful Hazelfern Farm of 25 years ago is the even more beautiful Laurelhurst of this day.
Had the sturdy old pioneer banker sought to guide the future growth of the city he did so much to develop, when he set aside the land for the Hazelfern Farm, he could not by any chance have chosen better. It is doubtful if there is any high class residence district on the Pacific Coast that in natural advantages, beauty, accessibility, location, and all around desirability can compare to it; certainly there is none in Portland.
Laurelhurst is by natural endowment peculiarly an ideal site for a suburb of fine homes. When W.S. Ladd laid it out as his Hazelfern Farm, it was veritably in the wilderness and the mile and a half to the city lay through forest and by country road.
Now it is the very center of the East Side residence section, yet set apart and forever exclusive from surrounding territory by its advantage of position and location. And with all this, it is a mere 15-minute ride by [trolley] car to the business center.
Mr. Ladd, Sr., was influenced in his choice of Hazelfern Farm, we may suppose, partly because it lay high and sightly, along the top of a sort of easy plateau over 200 feet above the river, and for its fine soil and sunlight and mild breezes. In the sultriest day of summer it is free from the grime and dust and smoke of the city, while a gentle northwest breeze brings cool and comfort. Further to the east the soil becomes gravelly and difficult to cultivate, but all the former Hazelfern Farm is composed of deep, fertile loam.
The advantage of such a soil in a residence district may be seen today in the fine lawns and healthy flower beds that make every Laurelhurst yard an individual beauty spot.
The story of how the choice tract was transformed in a few months from farm to residence district with beautiful homes, paved streets, cluster lights and every possible convenience is as interesting as that of the original Hazelfern Farm of a quarter century ago. The birth of a wonderful development are due to two Seattle men, Frank F. Mead and Paul C. Murphy, who, realizing Portland’s opportunities for legitimate real estate development, came here a little more than two years ago.
They had looked around the city but a short time when they saw the Hazelfern Farm, the present Laurelhurst. Their broad experience enabled them to recognize instantly its great possibilities as an exclusive residence section, and they determined to handle it at whatever cost.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Jeff and I are thinking about moving out of Portland. We LOVE our house and we love the neighborhood, but Portland? Not so much. Since moving back to the Portland area in 2010, we have seen our property taxes more than double (partially due to our remodel, but also due to the frequent bond measures that the city relies on so much for funding). There are homeless people camping on our sidewalks and in our parks and increasing reports of violence and crime.
Now, when we are expecting a package delivery, we have to hang out in the living room so we can watch for packages and quickly grab them before the porch thieves. Over the last year or two, I've seen several videos posted to Reddit by folks who have security cameras showing the package crime and from what I can tell it is too petty of a crime for the Portland police to try and respond.
Portland seems to be quite at a loss how to deal with its growth and quickly rising housing costs. They are allowing developers to tear down cute affordable houses, and rebuild with fugly expensive boxes, like this that sold for over $900K.
Some historic neighborhoods, including the Laurelhurst neighborhood, are trying to apply for Historic District designation to protect against the escalating number of demolitions, and from what I can tell, Oregon's response was to introduce HB2007 to protect developer profits by removing the protections provided by these historic neighborhoods. Luckily, they failed, this time, but I don't have a lot of faith that they won't keep trying and eventually succeed.
There are increasing reports of beautiful homes, like this one on NE Thompson, being demolished or being scheduled for demolition. (That sign was a notice "to be demolished" back in March. I'm not sure whether that beautiful house was actually demolished or not. I'm afraid to look.) I simply can't take it anymore. It makes me too sad.
So, when we recently went on a visit to Prineville, Oregon, we looked at houses in a new development. (Prineville is a bit east of Bend, Oregon.) We are definitely considering moving. We could buy a pretty decent house for less than half the cost of a comparable house in Portland and also pay less than half the property taxes. That would help our retirement savings last longer, so it's a pretty compelling argument.
Now, when we are expecting a package delivery, we have to hang out in the living room so we can watch for packages and quickly grab them before the porch thieves. Over the last year or two, I've seen several videos posted to Reddit by folks who have security cameras showing the package crime and from what I can tell it is too petty of a crime for the Portland police to try and respond.
Portland seems to be quite at a loss how to deal with its growth and quickly rising housing costs. They are allowing developers to tear down cute affordable houses, and rebuild with fugly expensive boxes, like this that sold for over $900K.
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5934 NE 14th Ave, Portland OR 97211 |
There are increasing reports of beautiful homes, like this one on NE Thompson, being demolished or being scheduled for demolition. (That sign was a notice "to be demolished" back in March. I'm not sure whether that beautiful house was actually demolished or not. I'm afraid to look.) I simply can't take it anymore. It makes me too sad.
So, when we recently went on a visit to Prineville, Oregon, we looked at houses in a new development. (Prineville is a bit east of Bend, Oregon.) We are definitely considering moving. We could buy a pretty decent house for less than half the cost of a comparable house in Portland and also pay less than half the property taxes. That would help our retirement savings last longer, so it's a pretty compelling argument.
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840 NE Steins Pillar Dr, Prineville, OR 97754 |
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Garden Shed is Sided
We still need to finish installing the little chicken door and the interior wall, but the exterior is complete!
I might have installed the windows flipped with the small panes on top, but it will be fine. LOL
Between the heat and smoke and ash falling on the city, our weather really stinks. Hopefully it cools down next week so we can stand to work outside again.
I might have installed the windows flipped with the small panes on top, but it will be fine. LOL
Between the heat and smoke and ash falling on the city, our weather really stinks. Hopefully it cools down next week so we can stand to work outside again.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Mar 1912: Big Strides
The Sunday Oregonian, 24 Mar 1912
Big Stride Made at Laurelhurst
City’s Premier Addition Scene of Remarkable Activity in Dwelling Construction
More Than 200 Residences Started Since January 1 and Plans Are Made for Immediate Erection of 225 More Buildings
Laurelhurst, one of Portland’s finest residential districts, has been making remarkable strides since the first of this year. In less than three months there have been planned and completed more than 200 residences, representing an aggregate expenditure of over $1,000,000. Some of the dwellings underway will be among the most attractive and striking in the city and will range in cost from $15,000 to $30,000. Many of the houses will cost from $7500 to $12,000 and scores of fine homes are in course of construction will cost around $5000.
In addition to the pronounced building activity there has been a brisk demand for homesites. Since January 15 there have been sold 225 lots to homebuilders exclusively. All these lots will be improved with modern homes during the year. From present homes during the year. From present indications there will be erected in Laurelhurst within the next six months at least 400 homes and before the close of the year it is predicted that this addition will have over 700 homes.
Admirably located, with a delightful view of the mountains and containing all standard street improvements, Laurelhurst has always attracted a fine class of homebuilders. Nearly every house that has been built of modern construction and of a distinctive type of agriculture. While building restrictions are nominal. It seems to be tacitly understood among purchasers of lots and builders that houses costing less than $5000 would not quite come up to the standard of construction that has been established in the district. There have been built several pretty bungalows which cost, perhaps, less than $5000, but owing to this attractive type of architecture the general appearance of the addition has not been lessened but, in reality, has been improved. A substantial and home-like atmosphere prevails and home-like atmosphere prevails that will always make this addition one of attractiveness and character.
Homesites Most Attractive
To homesites in Laurelhurst compare favorably with residence lots in the highest-class additions of cities much larger than Portland. In fact, there are few cities in the United States that can boast of additions that are more inviting of more modern than Laurelhurst, yet the values in this addition are much lower in comparison. According to statistics that have been compiled, there are 13 cities between 100,000 and 400,000 in population in which prices for homesites are from 50 to 400% higher than prevail in Portland. Compared with the location of Laurelhurst, the great majority of the high-class residence districts in those cities lie further out from the business centers.
With the immense growth that Portland is making and with the great activity in home-building in Laurelhurst, it is predicted that lots in this addition will be selling at an advance of 25 to 50% by the first of next year.
That tourists who visit Laurelhurst are delighted with the high standard of development there is shown in the statements expressed by a large party of travelers who were conducted through the district last week. The visitors were from Chicago. One of the members of the party said:
Big Stride Made at Laurelhurst
City’s Premier Addition Scene of Remarkable Activity in Dwelling Construction
More Than 200 Residences Started Since January 1 and Plans Are Made for Immediate Erection of 225 More Buildings
Laurelhurst, one of Portland’s finest residential districts, has been making remarkable strides since the first of this year. In less than three months there have been planned and completed more than 200 residences, representing an aggregate expenditure of over $1,000,000. Some of the dwellings underway will be among the most attractive and striking in the city and will range in cost from $15,000 to $30,000. Many of the houses will cost from $7500 to $12,000 and scores of fine homes are in course of construction will cost around $5000.

Admirably located, with a delightful view of the mountains and containing all standard street improvements, Laurelhurst has always attracted a fine class of homebuilders. Nearly every house that has been built of modern construction and of a distinctive type of agriculture. While building restrictions are nominal. It seems to be tacitly understood among purchasers of lots and builders that houses costing less than $5000 would not quite come up to the standard of construction that has been established in the district. There have been built several pretty bungalows which cost, perhaps, less than $5000, but owing to this attractive type of architecture the general appearance of the addition has not been lessened but, in reality, has been improved. A substantial and home-like atmosphere prevails and home-like atmosphere prevails that will always make this addition one of attractiveness and character.

To homesites in Laurelhurst compare favorably with residence lots in the highest-class additions of cities much larger than Portland. In fact, there are few cities in the United States that can boast of additions that are more inviting of more modern than Laurelhurst, yet the values in this addition are much lower in comparison. According to statistics that have been compiled, there are 13 cities between 100,000 and 400,000 in population in which prices for homesites are from 50 to 400% higher than prevail in Portland. Compared with the location of Laurelhurst, the great majority of the high-class residence districts in those cities lie further out from the business centers.
With the immense growth that Portland is making and with the great activity in home-building in Laurelhurst, it is predicted that lots in this addition will be selling at an advance of 25 to 50% by the first of next year.
That tourists who visit Laurelhurst are delighted with the high standard of development there is shown in the statements expressed by a large party of travelers who were conducted through the district last week. The visitors were from Chicago. One of the members of the party said:
“Laurelhurst is, indeed, a revelation to me. One can travel all over the country and never see a finer residential district. Everything is modern and of a substantial character. The class of homes one sees there, taken as a whole, cannot be surpassed in any city of the country. The view is inviting and the air is pure and invigorating. The addition has everything to make it an ideal residential district. It is certainly a great credit to Portland.”
Monday, September 4, 2017
Nov 1911: Many Homes
In The Morning Oregonian, 8 Nov 1911, Mead & Murphy took out a half-page ad and showed many pictures of finished homes in Laurelhurst. It's so big, I had to downsize it to capture the screenshot on my computer screen.
There are so many homes on here, I think it's worth a separate post on its own, so I can show close-up photos of each house.
There are so many homes on here, I think it's worth a separate post on its own, so I can show close-up photos of each house.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Oct 1911: Big Progress
The Sunday Oregonian, 15 Oct 1911
Big Progress is Made
Laurelhurst Addition Was Opened 2 Years Ago Today
Transformation of Farm into Beautiful Residence District Completed at Great Cost
Today is the second anniversary of the opening of Laurelhurst, Portland’s largest residence addition. Just two years ago this property, then known as the Hazelfern Farm, was purchased from the Ladd Estate Company by a syndicate of Seattle and Portland capitalists for a consideration in the neighborhood of $2,000,000. At the time it was the largest realty transaction that had ever been made in Portland, and while many large realty deals have been made here since the Laurelhurst sale, none have approached it, so far as the size and consideration is concerned.
Laurelhurst today presents a vastly different appearance from the Ladd dairy farm of two years ago. The tract is now a magnificently improved high grade residence addition, and is rapidly filling up with superior class of attractive, up-to-date homes. Nearly $2,000,000 has been expended in the last 18 months improving Laurelhurst. There are now in the addition 26 miles of asphalt streets, 52 miles of cement sidewalks, nine-foot parkings, shade trees and a greater part of the addition has cluster curb lights on both sides of the street. During the first year there have been erected nearly 100 residences from $3500 to $25000.
The tract was originally laid out after the most approved scientific landscape architecture. The streets were made to conform to the contour of this ground, with the result that although the tract is of rolling character there is no unsightly fills and cuts in the streets.
Mead & Murphy, selling agents for Laurelhurst, have extended an invitation to the automobilists of the city to use the streets of Laurelhurst throughout the rainy season for pleasure motoring. The property is reached from the center of the city over the Burnside bridge and East Burnside street, which is hard surfaced to and through the addition. The 26 miles of asphalt streets in Laurelhurst, together with the hard surface of East Burnside, will afford the automobilists several hours of pleasant motoring during the Winter afternoons.
Laurelhurst is the scene of unusual building activity, and has been throughout the Summer and Fall, nearly 100 new homes having been completed there this year.
Big Progress is Made
Laurelhurst Addition Was Opened 2 Years Ago Today
Transformation of Farm into Beautiful Residence District Completed at Great Cost
Today is the second anniversary of the opening of Laurelhurst, Portland’s largest residence addition. Just two years ago this property, then known as the Hazelfern Farm, was purchased from the Ladd Estate Company by a syndicate of Seattle and Portland capitalists for a consideration in the neighborhood of $2,000,000. At the time it was the largest realty transaction that had ever been made in Portland, and while many large realty deals have been made here since the Laurelhurst sale, none have approached it, so far as the size and consideration is concerned.
Laurelhurst today presents a vastly different appearance from the Ladd dairy farm of two years ago. The tract is now a magnificently improved high grade residence addition, and is rapidly filling up with superior class of attractive, up-to-date homes. Nearly $2,000,000 has been expended in the last 18 months improving Laurelhurst. There are now in the addition 26 miles of asphalt streets, 52 miles of cement sidewalks, nine-foot parkings, shade trees and a greater part of the addition has cluster curb lights on both sides of the street. During the first year there have been erected nearly 100 residences from $3500 to $25000.
The tract was originally laid out after the most approved scientific landscape architecture. The streets were made to conform to the contour of this ground, with the result that although the tract is of rolling character there is no unsightly fills and cuts in the streets.
Mead & Murphy, selling agents for Laurelhurst, have extended an invitation to the automobilists of the city to use the streets of Laurelhurst throughout the rainy season for pleasure motoring. The property is reached from the center of the city over the Burnside bridge and East Burnside street, which is hard surfaced to and through the addition. The 26 miles of asphalt streets in Laurelhurst, together with the hard surface of East Burnside, will afford the automobilists several hours of pleasant motoring during the Winter afternoons.
Laurelhurst is the scene of unusual building activity, and has been throughout the Summer and Fall, nearly 100 new homes having been completed there this year.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Summer 1911 Updates
The Sunday Oregonian, 7 May 1911
Charles Ringler Buys Home
Real Estate Dealer Purchases Fine Property on East Glisan
Charles Ringler last week bought from P.A. Carlander, a fine nine-room house on Hazelfern Place, near East Glisan street, Laurelhurst, and will make his home there. The consideration was $7000. He also has bought two lots on Laurelhurst avenue for $3000.
Charles Ringler & Co. report the following sales in Laurelhurst in the last few days:
Charles Ringler Buys Home
Real Estate Dealer Purchases Fine Property on East Glisan
Charles Ringler last week bought from P.A. Carlander, a fine nine-room house on Hazelfern Place, near East Glisan street, Laurelhurst, and will make his home there. The consideration was $7000. He also has bought two lots on Laurelhurst avenue for $3000.
Charles Ringler & Co. report the following sales in Laurelhurst in the last few days:
- Six room bungalow owned by G.A. Cooper, sold to A. Grey for $5000. Mr. Grey is assistant freight agent of the Great Northern Railroad and bought the property for a home.
- Six room bungalow, owned by I.E. Fenton, sold to F. Newman for $4500. (Probably 3405 NE Clackamas.)
- Lot owned by Joseph Basler, sold to Mrs. Julia Lawton for $1650. This lot commands a fine view and Mrs. Lawson intends to build a residence.
- Three lots sold to V.S. Wisner for $4775. Mr. Wisner bought on speculation.
- Lot sold to F.A. Carlander for $1500. Mr. Carlander is a builder and intends to erect a residence.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Shed Progress
I'm pretty happy about having progress again.
Tim's bid was a bit more than we wanted to pay, but no doubt reasonable for the time and material. He's a good, fair guy. I have to laugh though because there are four of them out there today and when I look, it seems like there are two of them measuring and cutting and two standing around watching. I don't think they'll be finishing it today, so they'll be back after the holiday.
We're about to have out of town guests for the long weekend, so we're trying to get some housework done. Ugh.
Here's where they left off at the end of the day. It's starting to look like a little house!
Tim's bid was a bit more than we wanted to pay, but no doubt reasonable for the time and material. He's a good, fair guy. I have to laugh though because there are four of them out there today and when I look, it seems like there are two of them measuring and cutting and two standing around watching. I don't think they'll be finishing it today, so they'll be back after the holiday.
We're about to have out of town guests for the long weekend, so we're trying to get some housework done. Ugh.
Here's where they left off at the end of the day. It's starting to look like a little house!
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The chickens' door |
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