The Oregonian, 26 Feb 1911
New House is Gem
C.K. Henry Home in Laurelhurst East Side Landmark
View Fine On All Sides
Construction and Finish of Highest Class, Surroundings to Be in Keeping With Style--Cost, With Grounds, $50,000
One of the most beautiful residences in Portland is the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Henry, in Laurelhurst, which was recently completed and occupied. For a building site Mr. Henry picked out the most sightly spot in the whole tract, and the one which, by its contour, seemed best adapted for landscaping. In architecture, arrangement, furnishings and setting, the house is a fine example of good taste.
The residence is at East Glisan Street and Laddington Court, which was formerly known as East 38th Street. This site is of irregular shape and contains an area of about ten city lots. It sloped gently to the south, which is the front, and more gradually to the east and west. At the north of the house the ground rises very slightly.
House is East Side Landmark
Already the house is a landmark for the entire East Side and it is plainly seen from the eminences and tall buildings on the West Side. It commands a view in all directions. On the south the windows look out on the Laurelhurst Park with its dark fir forest in the center. The snow peaks of Hood and St. Helens stand out boldly to the east and north and appear even higher because of the vantage point from which they are viewed. On the east also Mount Tabor is a near neighbor, with its many fine homes. The view on the north extends to the Peninsula...
The approach to the house is by a winding path. The building is constructed of massive gray granite slabs, quarried at Wilkerson, WA. Some of the window ledges are ten feet long, and the stone throughout is cut in large pieces. The chimneys are of the same material and are carried to a great height, adding to the decorative effect. 26 tons of stone were used in the largest chimney.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Dec 1910: Mann Old People's Home
Oregonian 18 Dec 1910
Old People's Home Monument to J.P. Mann
Institution at Laurelhurst Soon to Be Opened Is Provided With Every Comfort; Is Credit to City
Another institution will soon be opened in Portland, one which will be a credit to the city and will rival anything of its kind In the West. It is the Old People's Home which is being erected by Mrs. P.J. Mann in memory of her husband, the late Peter J. Mann, who died in the Spring of 1908. The building is completed and as soon as the grading is done around the house, the dedicatory exercises will be held.
Situated on the highest area in Laurelhurst, surrounded by more than seven acres of land, and commanding an unsurpassed view of wooded hills and pretty homes, the three-story brick structure is imposing and beautiful. A driveway is being made around the building, which will be set off in the front by parkgrounds, with grass and artistically arranged flowers.
The building is modern throughout and is equipped with down-to-date devices. In the high basement is a large, conveniently-arranged kitchen. Opening into a pantry next to the kitchen are two built-in refrigerators. The doors and walls of these are cork-lined and ice is supplied through a clever device from the outside. One of these is supplied with shelves, while the other is arranged with hooks for meat and such.
Old People's Home Monument to J.P. Mann
Institution at Laurelhurst Soon to Be Opened Is Provided With Every Comfort; Is Credit to City
Another institution will soon be opened in Portland, one which will be a credit to the city and will rival anything of its kind In the West. It is the Old People's Home which is being erected by Mrs. P.J. Mann in memory of her husband, the late Peter J. Mann, who died in the Spring of 1908. The building is completed and as soon as the grading is done around the house, the dedicatory exercises will be held.
Situated on the highest area in Laurelhurst, surrounded by more than seven acres of land, and commanding an unsurpassed view of wooded hills and pretty homes, the three-story brick structure is imposing and beautiful. A driveway is being made around the building, which will be set off in the front by parkgrounds, with grass and artistically arranged flowers.
The building is modern throughout and is equipped with down-to-date devices. In the high basement is a large, conveniently-arranged kitchen. Opening into a pantry next to the kitchen are two built-in refrigerators. The doors and walls of these are cork-lined and ice is supplied through a clever device from the outside. One of these is supplied with shelves, while the other is arranged with hooks for meat and such.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Nov 1910: Park Gets Lake
Oregonian 13 Nov 1910
Laurelhurst Gets Lake
Body of Water to Be 650 Feet Long and 200 Feet Wide, and Surrounded by Walks
The creation of Ladd Park in the southwest quarter of the addition of Laurelhurst, plans for which were The creation of Ladd Park in the southwest quarter of the addition of Laurelhurst, plans for which were accepted at the last meeting of the Park Board, virtually makes that improvement a park within a park, as Laurelhurst itself, owing to its special plan of treatment, assumes the character of a pleasure ground of vast area and great beauty.
The first work on Ladd Park, aside from the grading and paving of the streets to form its outside boundaries within the addition of Laurelhurst, the contracts for which are to be let next week, will be the dredging of the pond to create the lake outlined in the plans accepted by the Park Board.
This lake will have an approximate area of 130,000 square feet, or about 650 feet long and 200 feet in width at its broadest place. The lake is to be dredged to a depth of eight feet. The appropriation for this piece of work has been drafted and is included in the Mayor's budget.
Superintendent Mische is anxious to get the work on Ladd Park started and says he will lose no time after the preliminary appropriation has been passed.
Laurelhurst Gets Lake
Body of Water to Be 650 Feet Long and 200 Feet Wide, and Surrounded by Walks
The creation of Ladd Park in the southwest quarter of the addition of Laurelhurst, plans for which were The creation of Ladd Park in the southwest quarter of the addition of Laurelhurst, plans for which were accepted at the last meeting of the Park Board, virtually makes that improvement a park within a park, as Laurelhurst itself, owing to its special plan of treatment, assumes the character of a pleasure ground of vast area and great beauty.
The first work on Ladd Park, aside from the grading and paving of the streets to form its outside boundaries within the addition of Laurelhurst, the contracts for which are to be let next week, will be the dredging of the pond to create the lake outlined in the plans accepted by the Park Board.
This lake will have an approximate area of 130,000 square feet, or about 650 feet long and 200 feet in width at its broadest place. The lake is to be dredged to a depth of eight feet. The appropriation for this piece of work has been drafted and is included in the Mayor's budget.
Superintendent Mische is anxious to get the work on Ladd Park started and says he will lose no time after the preliminary appropriation has been passed.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Oct 1910: Henry Resigns
Henry Resigns Office
Edward Cookingham Will Probably Succeed Him—No Change in Policy of Concern to Be Made
Charles K. Henry has resigned as president of the Laurelhurst Company. Once before Mr. Henry resigned and the board refused to accept his resignation. It has not been accepted now, but lies on the table, where it is placed at the last meeting of the board. The next meeting will be held, it is said, October 13. At that time Mr. Henry will be allowed to withdraw from the head of the company and Edward Cookingham, cashier of the Ladd & Tilton Bank, will be elected president.
Mr. Henry is reticent about his resignation. He would say nothing for publication of the causes leading up to his action other than that he was tired of being a figurehead on the office.
"I shall keep my stock in the Laurelhurst Company," said Mr. Henry, "and outside of the Ladd Investment Company I own more than any other holder. But I shall have nothing to do with the management of the company's affairs and nothing whatever with the selling of lots."Mr. Henry has made public his action through a legal notice which announces that he is no longer the head of the company.
At the office of the Laurelhurst Company in the Corbett building, Mr. Henry's action was confirmed. "The resignation will likely be accepted at the next meeting of the board," said Paul C. Murphy, one of the vice-presidents, "and Mr. Cookingham will in all probability be elected to succeed Mr. Henry. There will be no change in the policy of the company and tomorrow we shall start an advertising campaign with the object of increasing the sales. About $2,000,000 worth of Laurelhurst property has already been sold and there is nothing to indicate a slump."
It is said there is nothing behind Mr. Henry's action that will have any effect on the progress of the addition, which is one of the biggest undertakings of its kind ever started on the Pacific Coast. Any differences of opinion there may have been, it is said, between Mr. Henry and the rest of the officers of the company were purely personal disagreements over methods of sales.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Oct 1910: Last Plat on Market
Oregonian 2 Oct 1910
Last Section Put on Market
Southeast Quarter of Laurelhurst Is Offered for Sale
What is called the southeast quarter of Laurelhurst was placed on the market last week. In reality it is considerably less than a quarter of the addition, but it contains about 450 lots, and some of them are said to be in as good locations as any in the tract. This is the last part of the addition to be offered for sale.
About a third of the area of this section lies along Ladd Park, on its East 39th Street side. The improvement work in this part has been taken up last of all, but it is said to be well along now, and on any lot in it water can be drawn. The grading for the streets is finished and the underground work is almost done. All the improvement work in the addition is announced in such condition that the contractors will have it completed by early Spring. Building is becoming more and more active and houses are rising in all parts of the tract.
Residences just begun with the cost of each are announced as follows: Mrs. Harriet P.S. Webster, $4500; B.I. Howland, $5000; E.E. Goff, $4200; C.A. Hoy, $4700; E.M. Rasmussen, $3800; Captain J.S. Michaels, $3700; H.S. McCutchan, $5500; and C.H. Page, $3800.
Last Section Put on Market
Southeast Quarter of Laurelhurst Is Offered for Sale
What is called the southeast quarter of Laurelhurst was placed on the market last week. In reality it is considerably less than a quarter of the addition, but it contains about 450 lots, and some of them are said to be in as good locations as any in the tract. This is the last part of the addition to be offered for sale.
About a third of the area of this section lies along Ladd Park, on its East 39th Street side. The improvement work in this part has been taken up last of all, but it is said to be well along now, and on any lot in it water can be drawn. The grading for the streets is finished and the underground work is almost done. All the improvement work in the addition is announced in such condition that the contractors will have it completed by early Spring. Building is becoming more and more active and houses are rising in all parts of the tract.
Residences just begun with the cost of each are announced as follows: Mrs. Harriet P.S. Webster, $4500; B.I. Howland, $5000; E.E. Goff, $4200; C.A. Hoy, $4700; E.M. Rasmussen, $3800; Captain J.S. Michaels, $3700; H.S. McCutchan, $5500; and C.H. Page, $3800.
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4th Plat Map, from The Oregonian 16 Apr 1910 |
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Sep 1910: Brisk Sales
Oregonian 4 Sep 1910
East Siders Must Fight For Homes
(Large portions of this article were omitted because they did not directly relate to Laurelhurst.)
Laurelhurst and the Rose City Park district will soon have outlet by the Burnside, the new railroad and the Broadway bridges. The double tracks now being laid on Sandy Boulevard will carry the streetcar traffic over Burnside bridge, but when Broadway Street is extended to a connection with Sandy Boulevard it is considered probable that a spur will be run over the new bridge by which the traffic will be divided over all three bridges.
Development of the Laurelhurst track is doing a tremendous amount of good for Central East Portland. 29 miles of hard-surface pavement are being laid and night and day the vast improvement programme is going forward which is to transform this 400-acre addition into one of the finest home districts in the city. At the highest point in this addition is the beautiful home of C.K. Henry, who headed the syndicate which purchased the Hazel Fern Farm, and on every side attractive homes are under construction in the track.
More than $100,000 has been expended in laying water mains alone, while the 29 miles of hard-surface pavements will cost at least $250,000 or more.
The effects of these improvements on the surroundings has already been manifest. Other districts near have made similar improvements. Pavements costing $85,000 have just been finished between East 28th Street and Laurelhurst, and street improvements costing $200,000 are project on Sandy Boulevard, East 28th Street and in the streets in Laurelhurst (illegible) ?bordering on the BaseLine Road. Property in all directions has advanced from 25 to 30% in value in the past few months.
East Siders Must Fight For Homes
(Large portions of this article were omitted because they did not directly relate to Laurelhurst.)
Laurelhurst and the Rose City Park district will soon have outlet by the Burnside, the new railroad and the Broadway bridges. The double tracks now being laid on Sandy Boulevard will carry the streetcar traffic over Burnside bridge, but when Broadway Street is extended to a connection with Sandy Boulevard it is considered probable that a spur will be run over the new bridge by which the traffic will be divided over all three bridges.
Development of the Laurelhurst track is doing a tremendous amount of good for Central East Portland. 29 miles of hard-surface pavement are being laid and night and day the vast improvement programme is going forward which is to transform this 400-acre addition into one of the finest home districts in the city. At the highest point in this addition is the beautiful home of C.K. Henry, who headed the syndicate which purchased the Hazel Fern Farm, and on every side attractive homes are under construction in the track.
More than $100,000 has been expended in laying water mains alone, while the 29 miles of hard-surface pavements will cost at least $250,000 or more.
The effects of these improvements on the surroundings has already been manifest. Other districts near have made similar improvements. Pavements costing $85,000 have just been finished between East 28th Street and Laurelhurst, and street improvements costing $200,000 are project on Sandy Boulevard, East 28th Street and in the streets in Laurelhurst (illegible) ?bordering on the BaseLine Road. Property in all directions has advanced from 25 to 30% in value in the past few months.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Summer 1910: Casualties
The Oregonian, 5 Jun 1910
Steam Shovel Hurts Man
Laborer Pinned Underneath Huge Scoop and Fatally Injured
F.R. Richard, a labor employed at Laurelhurst, was perhaps fatally injured by being caught between a steam shovel and an embankment yesterday afternoon. He was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital suffering from internal injuries.
Richard attempted to remove an obstacle in the path of the shove. Before he could dodge to safety the shovel lowered on the cables and struck him with great force, pinning him underneath. Workmen rescued him. Rickard came here recently from Gervais.
The Oregonian, 24 Jul 1910
Contractor Takes Life
James O'Donnell Blows Out Brains at Laurelhurst
Worried by Financial Reverses, He Goes to Office and Shoots Himself—Direct Cause Unknown
James L. O'Donnell, a general contractor 46 years of age, committed suicide by shooting himself through the head with a 38-caliber revolver in a portable office chair, at 41st and Stark Streets, Laurelhurst, shortly after 7 o'clock last evening. Death resulted almost instantly.
O’Donnell is known to have been mentally depressed because of impending financial reverses during the past several days. He had the contract for grading and paving streets and boulevards in Laurelhurst. With the aid son John, 25 years of age, who super-intended the workmen O'Donnell has endeavored to fulfill his contract and was rushing the work to completion despite his reverses.
O'Donnell was observed to be acting queerly by several members of his family yesterday. Soon after 6 o'clock last evening he left his wife and children in a happy frame of mind. An hour later, after reaching Laurelhurst, he went to the improvised office, spoke to his son John, who, with an employee sat outside then stepped inside and apparently began immediate arrangements for his self-execution. Taking an old rusty revolver out of a drawer, where it had lain for five years, O'Donnell placed the weapon to his right temple sent the bullet through his head. The report was heard by a half hundred employees. John O‘Donnell found his father lying on the floor, weltering in blood.
O'Donnell was born and raised in Portland. He is survived by a wife and six children, the eldest of whom is John. At the O'Donnell home, 843 East Stark street, no one could assign a motive for the suicide.
Steam Shovel Hurts Man
Laborer Pinned Underneath Huge Scoop and Fatally Injured
F.R. Richard, a labor employed at Laurelhurst, was perhaps fatally injured by being caught between a steam shovel and an embankment yesterday afternoon. He was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital suffering from internal injuries.
Richard attempted to remove an obstacle in the path of the shove. Before he could dodge to safety the shovel lowered on the cables and struck him with great force, pinning him underneath. Workmen rescued him. Rickard came here recently from Gervais.
The Oregonian, 24 Jul 1910
Contractor Takes Life
James O'Donnell Blows Out Brains at Laurelhurst
Worried by Financial Reverses, He Goes to Office and Shoots Himself—Direct Cause Unknown
James L. O'Donnell, a general contractor 46 years of age, committed suicide by shooting himself through the head with a 38-caliber revolver in a portable office chair, at 41st and Stark Streets, Laurelhurst, shortly after 7 o'clock last evening. Death resulted almost instantly.
O’Donnell is known to have been mentally depressed because of impending financial reverses during the past several days. He had the contract for grading and paving streets and boulevards in Laurelhurst. With the aid son John, 25 years of age, who super-intended the workmen O'Donnell has endeavored to fulfill his contract and was rushing the work to completion despite his reverses.
O'Donnell was observed to be acting queerly by several members of his family yesterday. Soon after 6 o'clock last evening he left his wife and children in a happy frame of mind. An hour later, after reaching Laurelhurst, he went to the improvised office, spoke to his son John, who, with an employee sat outside then stepped inside and apparently began immediate arrangements for his self-execution. Taking an old rusty revolver out of a drawer, where it had lain for five years, O'Donnell placed the weapon to his right temple sent the bullet through his head. The report was heard by a half hundred employees. John O‘Donnell found his father lying on the floor, weltering in blood.
O'Donnell was born and raised in Portland. He is survived by a wife and six children, the eldest of whom is John. At the O'Donnell home, 843 East Stark street, no one could assign a motive for the suicide.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Summer 1910: Immense Task
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Sales Office at 39th St. Station, photo from The Sunday Oregonian, 5 Jun 1910 |
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Entrance Arches on E. Glisan, photo from The Sunday Oregonian, 5 Jun 1910 |
Task Is Immense
Development Work in Laurelhurst Moves Quickly
Large Tract Shows Results of Costly Operations--Street-Making Contracts Largest of Kind Ever Undertaken in West
One of the large tasks now underway in the remaking of Portland is the development work which is being carried out in Laurelhurst, the addition which was placed on the market at the first of this year, and which for many years has been known to Portland and Portlanders as the Ladd Hazel Fern Farm. The immensity of the undertaking can only be realized by a comparison of the conditions as they now exist with those of a few months ago. All over the tract, the workmen have been engaged for several months in carrying out the plan of development, and it is but now that the results are beginning to be especially noticeable.
Where, not many months ago, there was a wide expanse of land undisturbed by urban advances and was used solely for agricultural purposes, there is now evidence of development. The earth is scarred by the giant steam shovels, which are grading the streets; on every side ditches have been dug for the laying of the water, sewer and gas mains, and now the asphalt workers are beginning to hard-surface the streets which have already been equipped with cement sidewalks and cement curbing.
Many Men at Work
There are 26 miles of these streets, and there are over 200 men and dozens of teams at work in putting these streets into condition. A few months ago these streets were shown only by grade stakes and here and there a place where the graders had started at work. Now the entire scene is changed.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
May 1910: Mann Old People's Home
Oregonian 22 May 1910
Home Well Along
Mrs. P.J. Mann Institution for Aged Fine Structure.
COST IS TO BE $80,000
Well-Appointed Structure Under Way at Sandy Road and East 33rd Street— Will Be Brick and Three Stories
Brick work for the first floor of the Old People’s Home built by Mrs. P.J. Mann in memory of her husband, has about been completed and the handsome $80,000 structure is well under way. This building is located on what was a part of the old Hazel Fern Farm, now platted as Laurelhurst. It is on East 33rd Street, overlooking the Sandy Road.
The building is to be three stories and basement, constructed of red brick with white trimming. It is of the English style of architecture, being designed with large pointed gables, bricked and terraced grounds leading to large exterior sun porches, etc. These sun porches are placed on each floor, inclines being planned from the grass plots in the court to the first floor porches, so that invalids may be wheeled to the porches.
Home Well Along
Mrs. P.J. Mann Institution for Aged Fine Structure.
COST IS TO BE $80,000
Well-Appointed Structure Under Way at Sandy Road and East 33rd Street— Will Be Brick and Three Stories
Brick work for the first floor of the Old People’s Home built by Mrs. P.J. Mann in memory of her husband, has about been completed and the handsome $80,000 structure is well under way. This building is located on what was a part of the old Hazel Fern Farm, now platted as Laurelhurst. It is on East 33rd Street, overlooking the Sandy Road.
The building is to be three stories and basement, constructed of red brick with white trimming. It is of the English style of architecture, being designed with large pointed gables, bricked and terraced grounds leading to large exterior sun porches, etc. These sun porches are placed on each floor, inclines being planned from the grass plots in the court to the first floor porches, so that invalids may be wheeled to the porches.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
More Ida McCain Research
I've been working on more research for Laurelhurst trying to fill in some of the later history. In my search, I am always looking for more details about Ida McCain and her family. For those who have recently joined our blog, Ida McCain is the woman who built our house in 1911.
First off, I am grateful to the Multnomah County library which provides access to the paid NewsBank service for free. Also, another site that rocks is Historic Oregon Newspapers, which includes good quality scans of the papers. So, I was able to successfully search for newspapers in NewsBank, which had fairly low quality scans, and when there was pictures, I could go to the University of Oregon site and look up the date and download the pages.
I'm not going to repeat all my earlier information, but I do want to add more details I found in the last week during my latest bit of delving through old Oregonians. I'm not going to include pictures of the houses as I've already published them in an earlier post.
Ida McCain came here with her family and formed Spencer-McCain in mid-1909. The earliest ad I found was May 27, 1909. They were advertising daily for work and got some.
It looks like they designed a house for E.L. Pope.
“The Oregonian, 22 Aug 1909:
E.L. Pope, an Easterner, who recently bought a five-acre tract overlooking the Willamette River about three and one-half miles this side of Oregon City, is having the Spencer McCain Company prepare plans for a handsome rustic bungalow. The bungalow will be 33x40 feet in dimension, and will contain seven rooms, a reception hall and a sleeping porch. It will be sided with resawed rustic, with buffet and mantle inbuilt in the walls. Furnace heat will be provided. The bungalow will cost about $3500. Mr. Pope intends to move into his new home with his family this Fall.”
I don't know if they actually built it. I have no record of her working out of Oregon City. I did look up Pope and he ended up being sort of a big deal. He lived in Parkplace and ended up a judge.
They did get a building job in Portland. They pulled a permit on the 27th of August: “Talbot Road, near Summit Avenue--R.W. Shepherd; builder Spencer, McCain & Co.; erect two-story frame dwelling; $4500.” This house is located at 2647 SW Talbot Rd (was 761 Talbot Rd).
First off, I am grateful to the Multnomah County library which provides access to the paid NewsBank service for free. Also, another site that rocks is Historic Oregon Newspapers, which includes good quality scans of the papers. So, I was able to successfully search for newspapers in NewsBank, which had fairly low quality scans, and when there was pictures, I could go to the University of Oregon site and look up the date and download the pages.
I'm not going to repeat all my earlier information, but I do want to add more details I found in the last week during my latest bit of delving through old Oregonians. I'm not going to include pictures of the houses as I've already published them in an earlier post.
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The Oregonian, 27 May 1909 |
It looks like they designed a house for E.L. Pope.
“The Oregonian, 22 Aug 1909:
E.L. Pope, an Easterner, who recently bought a five-acre tract overlooking the Willamette River about three and one-half miles this side of Oregon City, is having the Spencer McCain Company prepare plans for a handsome rustic bungalow. The bungalow will be 33x40 feet in dimension, and will contain seven rooms, a reception hall and a sleeping porch. It will be sided with resawed rustic, with buffet and mantle inbuilt in the walls. Furnace heat will be provided. The bungalow will cost about $3500. Mr. Pope intends to move into his new home with his family this Fall.”
I don't know if they actually built it. I have no record of her working out of Oregon City. I did look up Pope and he ended up being sort of a big deal. He lived in Parkplace and ended up a judge.
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The Oregonian, 29 Aug 1909 |
Monday, August 21, 2017
Summer Update
With our crazy weather this year, and lacking motivation, we have gotten very little finished on the house. We did manage to set up a pantry rack for Jeff down in the basement.
Before we did this, Jeff observed he had a lot of cans that he had no idea how old they were. When we first moved in after the remodel, we were pretty good about dating cans with a marker, but even that stopped happening a while ago.
Anyway, Jeff wanted twelve tubs labeled with the months. So now when he goes shopping, he can deliberately buy twelve cans of things and spread them out throughout the year. We're hoping this will help keep our food pantry rotated. We still need to finish sifting all the cans already in our pantry and either toss them or spread them out into these tubs so they finally get used.
As far as the shed project, it still stands un-sided. Eric got busy and asked us to have Aaron help us finish it. Aaron lost his rental and has been busy packing to move out of state, so he hasn't been available either. So, I am tentatively exploring the possibility of having Tim Austin help us finish the exterior. He is the good guy who built our garage for us. He's going to come out and look at the project and I'm hoping his quote is something we can afford.
Finally, the Laurelhurst neighborhood is trying to apply for Historic District status to slow down the pace of demolitions. I have (obviously) gotten back into poking around my old research. I have also done a bit more research with old Oregonian issues. Our county library has a research tool where we can search old issues and I've done a bunch of research to fill in history between the 1920s (where I left off last time) and current day. I'd still really like to find the article where the city decided to tear down our sandstone Arch on Multnomah and 32nd. I guess we can be happy to have one of them left.
Before we did this, Jeff observed he had a lot of cans that he had no idea how old they were. When we first moved in after the remodel, we were pretty good about dating cans with a marker, but even that stopped happening a while ago.
Anyway, Jeff wanted twelve tubs labeled with the months. So now when he goes shopping, he can deliberately buy twelve cans of things and spread them out throughout the year. We're hoping this will help keep our food pantry rotated. We still need to finish sifting all the cans already in our pantry and either toss them or spread them out into these tubs so they finally get used.
As far as the shed project, it still stands un-sided. Eric got busy and asked us to have Aaron help us finish it. Aaron lost his rental and has been busy packing to move out of state, so he hasn't been available either. So, I am tentatively exploring the possibility of having Tim Austin help us finish the exterior. He is the good guy who built our garage for us. He's going to come out and look at the project and I'm hoping his quote is something we can afford.
Finally, the Laurelhurst neighborhood is trying to apply for Historic District status to slow down the pace of demolitions. I have (obviously) gotten back into poking around my old research. I have also done a bit more research with old Oregonian issues. Our county library has a research tool where we can search old issues and I've done a bunch of research to fill in history between the 1920s (where I left off last time) and current day. I'd still really like to find the article where the city decided to tear down our sandstone Arch on Multnomah and 32nd. I guess we can be happy to have one of them left.
May 1910: First Houses Completed
Oregonian 1 May 1910
Two Houses Completed
Building In Addition Has Started on All Sides With Fine Grade of Structures Under Way
Two fine homes have already been completed in Laurelhurst, the new home addition on the East Side which has been on the market but a few months.
In this handsome residence addition, homes are now springing up on every side but it is P.S. Easterday, president of the Columbia Bridge Company, and W.N. Everett, a contractor, who have finished the first homes in the great new addition which promises to be one of the most thickly settled of the better class of home additions in Portland.
The home of Mr. Easterday, which has just been completed, faces the northwest on Royal Court. It is a handsome 10-room house, built at a cost of $10,000, and will be occupied within the next few days.
The Everett home is located on Hazel Fern Place, facing east, and while built as a home for Mr. Everett, is but one of four houses which he is erecting in the new addition. This home was built at a cost of $4500.
These are but two homes now completed in Laurelhurst but within the next few months there will be a large number of costly residences in the addition.
Charles K. Henry is having plans prepared for a $15,000 home on Laurelhurst Avenue and Dr. Homer I. Keeney will start in the immediate future to build a $7000 home on this same avenue.
Among other residences planned to be erected this Summer are those for Francis Dubois Jr., to cost $5000; W.S. Hurst, a $5000 home; A.E. Kern, $5000; Grant Foster, between $4000 and $5000; H.C. Gresel, $5000; Charles V. Cooper, $10,000; C.S. Russell, $7000; and O.W. Taylor, $10,000.
Two Houses Completed
Building In Addition Has Started on All Sides With Fine Grade of Structures Under Way
Two fine homes have already been completed in Laurelhurst, the new home addition on the East Side which has been on the market but a few months.
In this handsome residence addition, homes are now springing up on every side but it is P.S. Easterday, president of the Columbia Bridge Company, and W.N. Everett, a contractor, who have finished the first homes in the great new addition which promises to be one of the most thickly settled of the better class of home additions in Portland.
The home of Mr. Easterday, which has just been completed, faces the northwest on Royal Court. It is a handsome 10-room house, built at a cost of $10,000, and will be occupied within the next few days.
The Everett home is located on Hazel Fern Place, facing east, and while built as a home for Mr. Everett, is but one of four houses which he is erecting in the new addition. This home was built at a cost of $4500.
These are but two homes now completed in Laurelhurst but within the next few months there will be a large number of costly residences in the addition.
Charles K. Henry is having plans prepared for a $15,000 home on Laurelhurst Avenue and Dr. Homer I. Keeney will start in the immediate future to build a $7000 home on this same avenue.
Among other residences planned to be erected this Summer are those for Francis Dubois Jr., to cost $5000; W.S. Hurst, a $5000 home; A.E. Kern, $5000; Grant Foster, between $4000 and $5000; H.C. Gresel, $5000; Charles V. Cooper, $10,000; C.S. Russell, $7000; and O.W. Taylor, $10,000.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Apr 1910: 4th Plat Opens
Today is the Opening Day for the Southeast Quarter of Laurelhurst
With the platting of this Southeast quarter, the entire 444 acres, which comprise Laurelhurst, are now on the market. When we take into consideration the fact that this tract is one mile long and three-quarters of a mile wide, and think of it as a whole, entirely improved on one comprehensive plan, it is easy to realize that there can be no place more delightful to its residents in this or any other city, and for that reason it is justly termed "The Addition With Character." This is one of the great reasons for our enormous sales of over one and one-half million dollars since last October.
Money invested in Laurelhurst lots will yield very large and quick returns, because these lots are now being sold at just about one-half the prices asked for similar property in other parts of the city. It is safe to say that the lots now selling from $1000 to $1500 each will sell at more than $2000 each within two years, and these values will continue to grow with the growth of the city.
There will be 26 miles of asphalt streets in this tract, 26 miles of 4-inch gas, 8-inch water and 10-inch sewer mains. There will be 52 miles of cement walks, 52 miles of 9-foot parking strips, shade trees and handsome cluster lights. This means 52 miles of handsome homes, built according to a building restriction which limits the use of the property to single, detached dwelling houses, ranging from $2500 to $5000 each, and which compels all buildings to be set back at least 21 feet from the sidewalks. This will ensure a uniform standard of improvements, with fine lawns and gardens and which will make Laurelhurst the most attractive residence spot in Portland.
In planning the improvements for Laurelhurst, the streets and boulevards have been laid out to conform as nearly as possible to the natural contours of the land. Four of the main boulevards are 80 feet wide and all of the rest are 60 feet wide.
Not the least among the attractions of Laurelhurst is the beautiful wooded tract of 31 acres which has been purchased by the city for park purposes. Ladd Park is to be improved and will have a natural lake and extensive botanical gardens. All of the streets of Laurelhurst have been laid out to conform to the driveways now planned for the park.
A residence district, protected as Laurelhurst is, by building restrictions and with all of its natural beauties and advantages, will naturally be occupied by cultured and refined people—people who have the home-loving spirit and everyone within the whole area will be assured good neighbors. This is a matter of great importance, especially to those who have families of growing children, because nothing contributes so much to their peace of mind as the knowledge that they are living in an atmosphere of refinement, and that their associations always be desirable.
See Laurelhurst now!
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Spring 1910 Sales Updates
Oregonian 27 Feb 1910
Laurelhurst Is Active
Purchase of Lots So Great That Second Part of Section Will Soon Be on Market
One of the features of the week in real estate circles has been the large number of sales in Laurelhurst. The new addition, formerly the Ladd Hazel Fern Farm, was originally platted into four distinct sections and but one of these was placed on the market. Until a week ago less than half this property had been sold, but the heavy sale of the last week took almost all the lots in the original plat and soon a second division will be offered.
Building has become apparent with the return of the warmer weather. All over the fine residence addition ground is being broken for new homes and it is estimated that between 50 and 60 (portion missing) cause of the Spring weather.
The $10,000 home of C.V. Cooper is one that will soon be commenced. The plans for this structure call for an elaborate home with the first story in stone, the second story stucco with a red tiled roof and solid mahogany finish throughout. One of the homes now nearing completion is that of P.S. Easterday, which will be occupied by March 15. This is to cost about $5000. Francis Dubois is preparing plans for his home and will start at once the building of a $5000 home. It will be a concrete bungalow of seven rooms and will have hardwood finish in the interior.
H.C. Gressell will start building a $5000 home on April 1.
Charles S. Russell is now planning a home to cost about $8000. He will start work in a few weeks. These homes are all of high grade.
Laurelhurst Is Active
Purchase of Lots So Great That Second Part of Section Will Soon Be on Market
One of the features of the week in real estate circles has been the large number of sales in Laurelhurst. The new addition, formerly the Ladd Hazel Fern Farm, was originally platted into four distinct sections and but one of these was placed on the market. Until a week ago less than half this property had been sold, but the heavy sale of the last week took almost all the lots in the original plat and soon a second division will be offered.
Building has become apparent with the return of the warmer weather. All over the fine residence addition ground is being broken for new homes and it is estimated that between 50 and 60 (portion missing) cause of the Spring weather.
The $10,000 home of C.V. Cooper is one that will soon be commenced. The plans for this structure call for an elaborate home with the first story in stone, the second story stucco with a red tiled roof and solid mahogany finish throughout. One of the homes now nearing completion is that of P.S. Easterday, which will be occupied by March 15. This is to cost about $5000. Francis Dubois is preparing plans for his home and will start at once the building of a $5000 home. It will be a concrete bungalow of seven rooms and will have hardwood finish in the interior.
H.C. Gressell will start building a $5000 home on April 1.
Charles S. Russell is now planning a home to cost about $8000. He will start work in a few weeks. These homes are all of high grade.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Feb 1910: Park Naming Controversy
Oregonian 17 Feb 1910
Sunnyside Voices Protest
Protests were made at a meeting of the Sunnyside Push Club last night against having the new park at Laurelhurst called the Ladd Park, and against the proposed change in the name of the Sunnyside school. The meeting went on record as favoring the park being named Sunnyside Park. A committee was appointed to apply for more lights in the district, and it was voted that the organization should become affiliated with the United East Side Push Clubs.
Sunnyside Voices Protest
Protests were made at a meeting of the Sunnyside Push Club last night against having the new park at Laurelhurst called the Ladd Park, and against the proposed change in the name of the Sunnyside school. The meeting went on record as favoring the park being named Sunnyside Park. A committee was appointed to apply for more lights in the district, and it was voted that the organization should become affiliated with the United East Side Push Clubs.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Jan 1910: Infrastructure Progress
Oregonian 23 Jan 1910
Old Red Barn Bought
Development Work Opens in Laurelhurst Where Sales Have Been Heavy This Month
Development work is going ahead again in Laurelhurst, the fine residence addition on the East Side, where the sales since the first of January have amounted to $115,000. The opening of the weather has permitted the street work to be carried forward, and this is now being done rapidly. This work has been retarded greatly during the two Winter months on account of the unfavorable weather, as during the long cold spell the ground was frozen to a depth of nearly a foot, and until the last few days grading was impossible. Under present conditions, however, the work will be completed within a short time.
One sale of considerable importance was negotiated last week to Archie Mason and C.J. Currigan, grading contractors who have been working in the addition. A purchase of an irregular shaped tract was made by the two contractors, who secured about an acre of ground on the O.R.&N. tracks at East 28th Street. This tract was bought for $13,000. They also bought the old red barn, which has stood in the center of the Ladd Farm for many years. The barn, 200x60 feet, will be moved at once to the acre purchased, and will be used for warehouse purposes. The old barn has been one of the landmarks of the district for many years.
The contract for covering the entire addition with sewers has just been let to the Barber Asphalt Company. That work will be started as soon as the materials can be placed on the ground. A contract was let yesterday to build a residence at a cost of $5500 on Multnomah Street near Sandy Road. This house, which will be of mission design, and will be one story, save for one of the ends, which will have a room on the second story, will be used as the home of the resident agent for the Laurelhurst Company. One room will be used during the season as an office for the Laurelhurst Company. It will be built at once.
Contracts have been let to two nursery companies for setting out shade trees on all the streets in the plat at intervals of 30 feet. It requires more than 2000 trees to cover the tract. The varieties chosen for this are maple, linden, cut-leaf, purple-leaf birch, elm and hawthorne.
Old Red Barn Bought
Development Work Opens in Laurelhurst Where Sales Have Been Heavy This Month
Development work is going ahead again in Laurelhurst, the fine residence addition on the East Side, where the sales since the first of January have amounted to $115,000. The opening of the weather has permitted the street work to be carried forward, and this is now being done rapidly. This work has been retarded greatly during the two Winter months on account of the unfavorable weather, as during the long cold spell the ground was frozen to a depth of nearly a foot, and until the last few days grading was impossible. Under present conditions, however, the work will be completed within a short time.
One sale of considerable importance was negotiated last week to Archie Mason and C.J. Currigan, grading contractors who have been working in the addition. A purchase of an irregular shaped tract was made by the two contractors, who secured about an acre of ground on the O.R.&N. tracks at East 28th Street. This tract was bought for $13,000. They also bought the old red barn, which has stood in the center of the Ladd Farm for many years. The barn, 200x60 feet, will be moved at once to the acre purchased, and will be used for warehouse purposes. The old barn has been one of the landmarks of the district for many years.
The contract for covering the entire addition with sewers has just been let to the Barber Asphalt Company. That work will be started as soon as the materials can be placed on the ground. A contract was let yesterday to build a residence at a cost of $5500 on Multnomah Street near Sandy Road. This house, which will be of mission design, and will be one story, save for one of the ends, which will have a room on the second story, will be used as the home of the resident agent for the Laurelhurst Company. One room will be used during the season as an office for the Laurelhurst Company. It will be built at once.
Contracts have been let to two nursery companies for setting out shade trees on all the streets in the plat at intervals of 30 feet. It requires more than 2000 trees to cover the tract. The varieties chosen for this are maple, linden, cut-leaf, purple-leaf birch, elm and hawthorne.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Dec 1909: Water Agreements
Oregonian 29 Dec 1909
Mayor Balks the Plan
Laurelhurst Park Projectors Fail to Win Executive
Mayor Simon yesterday afternoon refused to give his consent to a plan, suggested by Oskar Huber, on behalf of the Laurelhurst Park projectors, for the laying of water mains under the bonding act. He is opposed to the city taking any part in the proposition, he states, as it is against his policy to permit the municipality to have control of or incur any expense in pipes where there is not at least 6% revenue on the amount required to install.
There was considerable discussion between Mr. Huber and the Mayor and members of the Water Board, to whom Mr. Huber applied for permission to proceed with the installation of the water mains in the Laurelhurst district, he wishing the consent of the Board so that the property could be bonded, although, as he said, the projectors of the new district propose to pay for all of the improvements themselves, the city not being charged for any of it.
Mayor Simon was unable to see it that way, and the matter was taken under advisement until the next regular meeting, which will be held in two weeks. The Mayor is very much opposed to city being behind any such project, as he says it certainly would be were it to permit the laying of the mains by the consent of the Water Board and under its direction, so that the property abutting the mains could be bonded.
"If the promoters of Laurelhurst wish to lay water mains, I have no objection, most certainly,” said Mayor Simon. "But if they wish to lay the mains and have the city behind them, so that, in case any property owner there refuses to pay the assessment, or the property its not worth the price, the city must pay it, I am opposed to it. The only thing for Laurelhurst people to do is to lay their mains and pay for them privately.”
“The Laurelhurst people intend to pay for the mains themselves,” explained Mr. Huber, replying to Mayor Simon. “All they want is for it to be done under direction the city, so that, under the charter, the property can be bonded. The proposed street improvements, which are very extensive, will be done the same way. It costs the city nothing.”
“I am unwilling to have the city behind the project in any way," said the Mayor. "I see no way whereby you can bond property without the work being done at the order of the city and under direction of the city, by the regular manner of advertising and following all of the regular provisions of the charter.”
Mayor Balks the Plan
Laurelhurst Park Projectors Fail to Win Executive
Mayor Simon yesterday afternoon refused to give his consent to a plan, suggested by Oskar Huber, on behalf of the Laurelhurst Park projectors, for the laying of water mains under the bonding act. He is opposed to the city taking any part in the proposition, he states, as it is against his policy to permit the municipality to have control of or incur any expense in pipes where there is not at least 6% revenue on the amount required to install.
There was considerable discussion between Mr. Huber and the Mayor and members of the Water Board, to whom Mr. Huber applied for permission to proceed with the installation of the water mains in the Laurelhurst district, he wishing the consent of the Board so that the property could be bonded, although, as he said, the projectors of the new district propose to pay for all of the improvements themselves, the city not being charged for any of it.
Mayor Simon was unable to see it that way, and the matter was taken under advisement until the next regular meeting, which will be held in two weeks. The Mayor is very much opposed to city being behind any such project, as he says it certainly would be were it to permit the laying of the mains by the consent of the Water Board and under its direction, so that the property abutting the mains could be bonded.
"If the promoters of Laurelhurst wish to lay water mains, I have no objection, most certainly,” said Mayor Simon. "But if they wish to lay the mains and have the city behind them, so that, in case any property owner there refuses to pay the assessment, or the property its not worth the price, the city must pay it, I am opposed to it. The only thing for Laurelhurst people to do is to lay their mains and pay for them privately.”
“The Laurelhurst people intend to pay for the mains themselves,” explained Mr. Huber, replying to Mayor Simon. “All they want is for it to be done under direction the city, so that, under the charter, the property can be bonded. The proposed street improvements, which are very extensive, will be done the same way. It costs the city nothing.”
“I am unwilling to have the city behind the project in any way," said the Mayor. "I see no way whereby you can bond property without the work being done at the order of the city and under direction of the city, by the regular manner of advertising and following all of the regular provisions of the charter.”
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Dec 1909: Busy December
The Oregonian, 12 Dec 1909
Entrance Arches
Permits for each day follow in detail: Friday, December 10.
Laurelhurst Company--Erect entrance arches, East Glisan Street corner of East 33rd; builder, Philip Neu; $2000.
Laurelhurst Company--Erect entrance arches, Sandy Road between Multnomah and Peerless Place; builder, Philip Neu; $2000.
Entrance Arches
Permits for each day follow in detail: Friday, December 10.
Laurelhurst Company--Erect entrance arches, East Glisan Street corner of East 33rd; builder, Philip Neu; $2000.
Laurelhurst Company--Erect entrance arches, Sandy Road between Multnomah and Peerless Place; builder, Philip Neu; $2000.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Nov 1909: Old People's Home Plans
The Oregonian, 7 Nov 1909
Plans Being Made
Old People's Home Will Be Luxurious Place
Mrs. P.J. Mann Studies Other Like Institutions and Will Make Portland's Finest in Country. Cost Is to Be $60,000
Plans are now being prepared by Whitehouse, Lazarus & Fouilhoux, architects, for the Old People's Home to be built on the Ladd tract by Mrs. P.J. Mann in memory of her late husband. For the purpose of studying institutions of like character in the East Mrs. Mann has visited the principal places of this character in an extended trip through the East, and she has taken the best points found in these various institutions and has requested the architects to embody them in the plans for the Portland home.
Mrs. Mann has been communicating at all times with the architects concerning the proposed building and has sent numerous suggestions for the comfort of the inmates of the home. These have been embodied in the plans. On her trip through the East, Mrs. Mann visited the St. Regis Asylum for Old People, Quebec; the Protestant Home for Women and Children, Quebec; The Home for Aged Women, Boston; the Home for Aged Men ad the Home for Aged Couples, Boston; the Home for Aged People, Cambridge; the Home for the Aged, Methuen, Mass.; St. Luke's home for Aged Women, New York; the Home for Aged Couples and Old Men, New York; the Old Ladies' Home and the Chapin Home, New York; and other institutions in the first city of the land. In Philadelphia she visited the Presbyterian Home for Old Ladies, one of the oldest institutions of this character in the country, and at Bola, PA, the Home for Aged Couples and Old Men. The Cathcart Home for Aged People and Incurables was also visited and reports were received from numerous other charitable institutions.
The Portland institution will be erected on the west end of the Ladd tract, on the site of the old Ladd farm, in what is now Laurelhurst. The site is located on the Rose City carline and was purchased by Mrs. Mann. The buildings to be erected will cost $60,000, in addition to the cost of the site.
The building will be built of brick and will be of Tudor, Gothic and Elizabethan styles of architecture. The structure will be U-shaped and will be 51x132 feet in size, exclusive of wings. It will be of red brick with white trimmings. In the rear of the southern part of the building will be beautiful landscape effects, and special attention will be given to the gardens, which will be made a spot of beauty for the old people who are inmates of the home.
Plans Being Made
Old People's Home Will Be Luxurious Place
Mrs. P.J. Mann Studies Other Like Institutions and Will Make Portland's Finest in Country. Cost Is to Be $60,000
Plans are now being prepared by Whitehouse, Lazarus & Fouilhoux, architects, for the Old People's Home to be built on the Ladd tract by Mrs. P.J. Mann in memory of her late husband. For the purpose of studying institutions of like character in the East Mrs. Mann has visited the principal places of this character in an extended trip through the East, and she has taken the best points found in these various institutions and has requested the architects to embody them in the plans for the Portland home.
Mrs. Mann has been communicating at all times with the architects concerning the proposed building and has sent numerous suggestions for the comfort of the inmates of the home. These have been embodied in the plans. On her trip through the East, Mrs. Mann visited the St. Regis Asylum for Old People, Quebec; the Protestant Home for Women and Children, Quebec; The Home for Aged Women, Boston; the Home for Aged Men ad the Home for Aged Couples, Boston; the Home for Aged People, Cambridge; the Home for the Aged, Methuen, Mass.; St. Luke's home for Aged Women, New York; the Home for Aged Couples and Old Men, New York; the Old Ladies' Home and the Chapin Home, New York; and other institutions in the first city of the land. In Philadelphia she visited the Presbyterian Home for Old Ladies, one of the oldest institutions of this character in the country, and at Bola, PA, the Home for Aged Couples and Old Men. The Cathcart Home for Aged People and Incurables was also visited and reports were received from numerous other charitable institutions.
The Portland institution will be erected on the west end of the Ladd tract, on the site of the old Ladd farm, in what is now Laurelhurst. The site is located on the Rose City carline and was purchased by Mrs. Mann. The buildings to be erected will cost $60,000, in addition to the cost of the site.
The building will be built of brick and will be of Tudor, Gothic and Elizabethan styles of architecture. The structure will be U-shaped and will be 51x132 feet in size, exclusive of wings. It will be of red brick with white trimmings. In the rear of the southern part of the building will be beautiful landscape effects, and special attention will be given to the gardens, which will be made a spot of beauty for the old people who are inmates of the home.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Laurelhurst Ads
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Sep 1909: First Home Started
Oregonian 26 Sep 1909
East Side Is Busy
Building Now Under Way Aggregating $1,000,000.
Transfers Are Many, Building Is Active and Streets Are Being Put in Good Condition--New Homes Going Up.
...The streets through Laurelhurst Addition, comprising the Ladd Farm, have been opened and will be improved. It is predicted that this tract will be disposed of rapidly and will be built over with high-class residences. This will add to the further importance of East Burnside, East Ankeny, East Couch, East Davis and East Everett Streets, all of which are tributary to the Burnside Bridge. An 80-foot street, East Glisan extended, has been provided for in the Laurelhurst Addition, and beyond Laurelhurst Street also will be widened as far as the city limits. Thence it will be extended to Fairview as a county road....
...W.N. Everett is the first to start the erection of a house in Laurelhurst Addition which has been but recently placed on the market. He purchased lot 17, block 13, for $1300 and has started on a 7-room home. J.L. Karnopp, recently from Wisconsin, purchased lot 16, adjoining Mr. Everett's lot, and will also put up a residence. Mr. Karnopp is a builder and contractor. These two residences will cost between $4000 and $5000 each....
Oregonian 26 Sep 1909
Henry to Build Home
House to Rise Near Center of Laurelhurst Addition—Many Improvements Under Way
Charles K. Henry, president of Laurelhurst Company, will build a residence in the new Laurelhurst Addition, which he will occupy as a home. The site chosen by him is composed of lots 1, 2 and 3, block 1, on the property now occupied by the old farmhouse near the center of the addition. The site is 225 feet above the city and affords a fine view. Mr. Henry has decided to sell his beautiful home in Irvington.
Plans are now underway for the improvement of the addition. The improvements consist of grading, curbing, paving and sidewalking all the streets. Asphalt paving will be used and six-foot cement sidewalks have been ordered for the entire addition. The order for these improvements was passed by the City Council last week. There will be a total of about six miles of streets and 12 miles of sidewalks installed.
The sale of lots in Laurelhurst has been very active since the addition was placed on the market. More than 20 lots were sold last week and the statement is made by the owners of the addition that the majority of the purchasers plan to build homes on the property at once. The first home on the addition is now nearing completion.
Additional plans for the improvement of the addition include the installation of cluster lights along the streets and the erection of an entrance arch at the northwest corner of the plat.
East Side Is Busy
Building Now Under Way Aggregating $1,000,000.
Transfers Are Many, Building Is Active and Streets Are Being Put in Good Condition--New Homes Going Up.
...The streets through Laurelhurst Addition, comprising the Ladd Farm, have been opened and will be improved. It is predicted that this tract will be disposed of rapidly and will be built over with high-class residences. This will add to the further importance of East Burnside, East Ankeny, East Couch, East Davis and East Everett Streets, all of which are tributary to the Burnside Bridge. An 80-foot street, East Glisan extended, has been provided for in the Laurelhurst Addition, and beyond Laurelhurst Street also will be widened as far as the city limits. Thence it will be extended to Fairview as a county road....
...W.N. Everett is the first to start the erection of a house in Laurelhurst Addition which has been but recently placed on the market. He purchased lot 17, block 13, for $1300 and has started on a 7-room home. J.L. Karnopp, recently from Wisconsin, purchased lot 16, adjoining Mr. Everett's lot, and will also put up a residence. Mr. Karnopp is a builder and contractor. These two residences will cost between $4000 and $5000 each....
Henry to Build Home
House to Rise Near Center of Laurelhurst Addition—Many Improvements Under Way
Charles K. Henry, president of Laurelhurst Company, will build a residence in the new Laurelhurst Addition, which he will occupy as a home. The site chosen by him is composed of lots 1, 2 and 3, block 1, on the property now occupied by the old farmhouse near the center of the addition. The site is 225 feet above the city and affords a fine view. Mr. Henry has decided to sell his beautiful home in Irvington.
Plans are now underway for the improvement of the addition. The improvements consist of grading, curbing, paving and sidewalking all the streets. Asphalt paving will be used and six-foot cement sidewalks have been ordered for the entire addition. The order for these improvements was passed by the City Council last week. There will be a total of about six miles of streets and 12 miles of sidewalks installed.
The sale of lots in Laurelhurst has been very active since the addition was placed on the market. More than 20 lots were sold last week and the statement is made by the owners of the addition that the majority of the purchasers plan to build homes on the property at once. The first home on the addition is now nearing completion.
Additional plans for the improvement of the addition include the installation of cluster lights along the streets and the erection of an entrance arch at the northwest corner of the plat.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Sept 1909: Laurelhurst Excursion
Big Excursion Planned
Two Special Cars and 40 Automobiles Will Convey Guests to View Proposed Improvements.
In two special streetcars and from 23 to 40 automobiles loaded chockfull and overflowing with jolly real estate men and their guests, the Portland Realty Board will celebrate its second big “get acquainted" excursion of the season this afternoon with a trip to Laurelhurst.
Promptly at 2:30 o'clock the two special cars which have been chartered for the occasion by the excursion committee of the board will leave the spur switch at Fourth and Yamhill streets for the new suburb. Anybody can go on the cars who can find room, and each car will seat 60 persons comfortably. Tho Realty Board has announced it is making this excursion for the benefit of the public as much as anything else, and everybody who cares to go along will be genuinely welcomed. It will not cost a cent for carfare either. The committee has attended to all that.
In addition to these electric cars, 25 automobiles have already been placed at the service of the real estate men, and there may be 40 of them by this afternoon. The members of the board will ride to Laurelhurst in these autos in regular parade formation.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
May 1909: Laurelhurst Lots
The Oregonian, 9 May 1909
Laurelhurst Lots
First Offered at Very Low Prices
"Laurelhurst," which was well and formerly known as "Hazel Fern Farms," is being platted into lots and blocks, no lot less than 50x100 feet in size.
The Laurelhurst Company will place these beautiful sites on the market at extremely low prices, and on very attractive terms. Several hundred lots will be at prices ranging from $600 to $1000. The building restrictions will be higher on the most desirable part of "Laurelhurst," and the prices will be in accordance with the choice location. It will pay every intending lot buy or home-builder to wait until this tract is platted and ready for sale, about the first of June, before buying elsewhere.
This will be sold by the Laurelhurst Company, whose temporary office is with Charles K. Henry & Son, 250 Stark Street, Portland Oregon.
Laurelhurst Lots
First Offered at Very Low Prices
"Laurelhurst," which was well and formerly known as "Hazel Fern Farms," is being platted into lots and blocks, no lot less than 50x100 feet in size.
The Laurelhurst Company will place these beautiful sites on the market at extremely low prices, and on very attractive terms. Several hundred lots will be at prices ranging from $600 to $1000. The building restrictions will be higher on the most desirable part of "Laurelhurst," and the prices will be in accordance with the choice location. It will pay every intending lot buy or home-builder to wait until this tract is platted and ready for sale, about the first of June, before buying elsewhere.
This will be sold by the Laurelhurst Company, whose temporary office is with Charles K. Henry & Son, 250 Stark Street, Portland Oregon.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Apr 1909: Ladd Farm Sold
Once upon a time, I posted a bunch of historic Oregonian articles on a Laurelhurst wiki, but it looks like that resource has been taken down. Sadly, I didn't grab a backup from it. (I'm not sure I could have, but I never really tried either.) Anyway, I do have some files still on my computer backup drives and I would like to do what I can to preserve that information in a searchable format. So, I will do my best over the next few months to republish interesting articles I found during my research of Laurelhurst several years ago. I'll pick it up near the beginning and try to publish the articles mostly in order.
Oregonian, 24 Apr 1909
Ladd Farm Sold for $2,000,000
Property Includes 462 Acres on East Side WILL BE OPENED FOR HOMES
Charles K. Henry Heads Syndicate in Big Deal
Land Laid Out by Boston Firm in Ideal Building Locations--Will Probably Be Put on Market in Single Lots About July 1
Seattle Buyers Men of Experience
Oregonian, 24 Apr 1909
Ladd Farm Sold for $2,000,000
Property Includes 462 Acres on East Side WILL BE OPENED FOR HOMES
Charles K. Henry Heads Syndicate in Big Deal
Land Laid Out by Boston Firm in Ideal Building Locations--Will Probably Be Put on Market in Single Lots About July 1
Hazel Fern Farm, the magnificent tract of land consisting of 463 acres in the heart of the East Side, owned for many years by the Ladd Estate, has been acquired by Charles K. Henry and associates at a consideration of approximately $2,000,000.
Mr. Henry now has under consideration the formation of a syndicate to handle the vast property. With him in the initiative stage of the proceedings are associated Frank F. Mead and Paul C. Murphy, of Seattle, and H.R. Burke of Portland.
Hazel Fern Farm lies between the Barr Road on the north and the Base Line Road on the South and East 33rd and East 44th Streets east and west. Olmsted Brothers, of Boston, some months ago laid out the big tract in a parking system, preserving the higher portions for buildings with streets following the contour of the lands. This plan calls for 2880 lots and it is the intention of the new owners to place these on the market. Under the Olmsted plan the tract will be one of the most attractive in the country, lending itself to ornamental landscape gardening in its highest phases. As at present outlined, lots will sell from $800 upward, and building restrictions will range from $2000 to $5000 according to location.
Seattle Buyers Men of Experience
Mr. Mead and Mr. Murphy, the two Seattle men interested with Mr. Henry are handling a suburban tract at Seattle known as Laurelhurst, which is pronounced to be one of the show places in the Sound city. They own lands near the Exposition grounds on Lake Washington and report good sales to people who intend to build fine residences.
Sandy Road cuts through the Ladd farm diagonally in the northwest corner, and an extension of East Glisan Street passes through the middle. There has been some movement on the East Side to have East Glisan made a wide street, either 80 or 100 feet, and the new owners said yesterday that if the
projectors of this wide street would assure them that the work would be taken up in the contiguous territory they believed no difficulty would be found in meeting such a proposition halfway.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Dec 1908: Tract Wanted for Park
The Oregonian, 19 Dec 1908
Tract Wanted For Park
Sunnyside Park Club Is After Ladd Farm of Forty Acres
The Sunnyside Push club, of which J.T. Wilson is president, is working actively to secure 40 acres of the Ladd farm, fronting on the Base Line road, for a public park, and has a committee of 14 representative citizens handling the matter. The tract is between East 31st and East 39th Street, and the north side of Base line, covered with fir timber. Charles Mautz, a prominent member of the club, said yesterday:
We want the entire 40-acre tract for park purposes. The land is centrally located, only a short distance from the carline, and will be accessible from practically the whole of the East Side. The land as it stands is now a park and will require little expense, only a few walks and other small improvements being necessary. It is covered with a natural growth of trees, which can be left standing, the land is rolling and is in every way fitted for park purposes. It is much nearer to the center of population than Mount Tabor, where it is to purchase 169 acres. People can walk to the tract in the Ladd farm.
There has already been some negotiation with the representative of the Ladd estate, and I believe there will be no great difficulty in securing the land for park purposes. It ought to be secured as soon as possible. Too much delay might mean its entire loss.
Tract Wanted For Park
Sunnyside Park Club Is After Ladd Farm of Forty Acres
The Sunnyside Push club, of which J.T. Wilson is president, is working actively to secure 40 acres of the Ladd farm, fronting on the Base Line road, for a public park, and has a committee of 14 representative citizens handling the matter. The tract is between East 31st and East 39th Street, and the north side of Base line, covered with fir timber. Charles Mautz, a prominent member of the club, said yesterday:
We want the entire 40-acre tract for park purposes. The land is centrally located, only a short distance from the carline, and will be accessible from practically the whole of the East Side. The land as it stands is now a park and will require little expense, only a few walks and other small improvements being necessary. It is covered with a natural growth of trees, which can be left standing, the land is rolling and is in every way fitted for park purposes. It is much nearer to the center of population than Mount Tabor, where it is to purchase 169 acres. People can walk to the tract in the Ladd farm.
There has already been some negotiation with the representative of the Ladd estate, and I believe there will be no great difficulty in securing the land for park purposes. It ought to be secured as soon as possible. Too much delay might mean its entire loss.
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