Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Pi Day Everyone!

Jeff is making a pizza Pi in honor of the holiday.

Update: new picture of the Pi Pizza Pie Jeff made.


  1. Clever!

    Have you completely given up your RV dream for the time being?

  2. Pi day? I guess that would have been March 14, 1592 at 6:53:59 a.m. That looks like cheesecake, though.

  3. > Have you completely given up your RV dream for the time being?

    I looks like it definitely isn't going to happen this year.
    At least as "definitely" as any of our plans have been.

    >Pi day? I guess that would have been March 14, 1592 at 6:53:59 a.m.

    That would have been quite a pi-day celebration, except it isn't clear that pi was known to that many digits in Europe until 1593. Today most folks celebrate each March 14 at either 1:59:26 (or 15:09:26). The cheese cake wasn't ours, just a picture from the web.

