Our wavy glass replacement saga has finally come to a conclusion! We went through 3 old windows and spent a total of $46 and made three trips to salvage places.

Our learning from this project is prices at salvage places depend on who happens to be working on the day you go in. Our first window was from
Salvage Works and it was $25. The second window was from
Rebuilding Center and was $6. But today at Rebuilding Center, a window we were told last week was $20, today was $75! So we headed back to Salvage Works and today they sold us the twin to the window we bought last week for $15. Probably prices get lower as you get to know the staff people. (Sharon did actually look into buying new reproduction class. Cline Glass said it would $150 for a 2'x3' piece! Yeah, we don't think so. Not this time.)
Sharon managed to put a crack across the length of the glass trying to pull out a glazing point, but
thankfully, the large piece was still just the right width.

Jeff was able to get the rest of the glass out in one piece, then cut it down without it breaking wrong. We did have to pull out our glass grinder to grind down one edge, but Jeff got it done. Huzzah!
This project has been good practice for our stained glass project, when we figure out what pattern we want to make.