Saturday, May 6, 2017

Spring Plantings

We have had so much rain this year. We are definitely ready for some sunny days.  On the bright side, our ferns are ecstatic about the weather. We got a bunch of bareroot ferns from a friend last year and they're looking great.
Earlier this week we bought 20 bareroot ferns from Bosky Dell Natives and they are huge and beautiful, unlike the mostly dead ones we got a couple weeks ago. They filled up a large burlap bag. Jeff got them in the ground today but I haven't taken a picture yet.

Oh, and look who's awake!
Our blueberries we bought from One Green World are looking beautiful.
The ones we got from the online place are dead sticks.
Our friend donaleen over at Spit & Vinegar gave us a bunch of flower starts. I'm going to list them below mostly so I have a record. This year we've planted them in the backyard but we'll probably start moving some of them up into the front planter next fall.
  • epimedium—shade loving, tolerates most soil including dry soil.
  • bee balm—gets 4-5' tall and beloved by hummingbirds and bees and me!  The bee balm is the tall red stuff
  • celandine poppies—at least some shade.  very tolerant.  Jeff took photo
  • hellebore—blooms most of winter.  Likes shade to some sun.
  • ornamental oregano—likes sun and not too much moisture
  • pulmonaria—wonderful blue flowers in early spring that tolerate rain very well.  Great shade to sun plant.
About the front planter, we still haven't gotten the Breck's order. When I ordered, I was under the impression it would arrive in the middle of April. I guess I should not be surprised it didn't. I'm pretty much cured of ordering plants online. I might pick up heritage stuff I can't find locally, but I'm resisting the temptation to even look.

This weekend the Multnomah Master Gardeners are having their Incredible Edibles sale and I'm hoping to pick up a few vegetable starts.


  1. I just read this and I'm literally going to log off to jump in my car and head to their sale. I love reading your blog!! I get so many ideas and resources.

    1. I hope you made it to the sale. The master gardeners have some great varieties. We did pick up a few plants this year.
