Friday, April 13, 2012

Kitchen Tour Pre-Tour

Today was a good day. We cleaned up the front porch and Jeff worked on cleaning up the front yard most of the day. We also got to continue staging the interior of the house; it was looking pretty good, considering. Our friend Storm dropped by this morning with her better camera and between her and our camera, we took like 300 pictures today! =)

Tonight the Architectural Heritage Center had a pre-tour for all the homeowners and volunteers. There were some wonderful kitchens. Sharon's favorite, besides our own of course, was Carol's kitchen styled after an 1898 Victorian kitchen with antique stand-alone fixtures, including an antique ice box. So awesome!

One homeowner, Colin, had restored his damaged fireplace with amazing reproduction tile. Sharon so wants a fireplace like this!! Maybe someday.

David in Ladd's Addition did a wonderful job stenciling his dining room. They had great leaded glass too.

Tomorrow is the big day. We are expecting about 250 guests to visit the house.

The folks tonight were very complimentary about our house. It made us feel real good about our restoration efforts.

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