Thursday, August 9, 2012

Master Bedroom Painted

It's been a long time coming (thirteen months since we started stripping paint), but we can finally start putting this room back together again.
I'm trying on a few different color schemes for a stencil for this room. (Jeff and I don't agree on the color, so if any of you guys want to chime in, we'd appreciate the comment.) I may also do a few more samples with some reds and yellows in them.
If the weather cooperates in the next several weeks, I'll get the frieze painted before we move our furniture back from storage.

We're also planning to have the floors refinished, so I've been trying to get a couple estimates. Apparently the market in Portland is better for floor refinishers, because I've had a hard time getting them to return calls or come out to take a look and give a quote. Oh well.

For folks who have just dropped by, here is where the room started last year.

Today, we're priming the guest bedroom, so maybe we'll have good pictures of that room tomorrow!


  1. Your room looks beautiful! Let me guess, Jeff likes the one on the left and you like the center one. They are both very nice -- left looks neutral and could rely on accent colors in the room decor, center reads that purple is the accent color.
    Another thought -- I was told that when the design "hangs" it should be positioned at the top of the space or below the picture rail.

  2. I actually like the bright blue one on the right, Jeff likes the purple (probably because he knows purple is MY favorite color). I like the purple, but I don't think it looks quite as "craftsman."

    Thanks for the heads up about the stencil. I will be shifting the stencil so the top of the mylar runs along the ceiling line. I just set it on the picture rail because it was convenient. Also, when I practiced on the paper, I didn't think to align it along the top edge of the paper, so it should be a bit higher than where it's taped up there..

  3. I like them all but the one on the left seems to act more as a neutral which would allow more freedom in the bedding/decor over time. Although the blue and purple could set the stage for the decor. Decisions, decisions...

  4. If the flower is a periwinkle, then the blues would be good. Although, I think the turquoise could be toned down a bit.

  5. My vote is for the stencil on the far right. I like the blue with the green of the wall below. :)
    The room looks great! The green looks similar in color to what we picked for our nursery. I love it. It makes for such a calm feeling...great to have for a nursery or a master bedroom. :)

  6. I like either stencil 1 or 3...but 3 would be my top pick!

  7. Wow, that looks fantastic! What is that color?

  8. The paint is Sherwin Williams' Ruskin Room Green. I have a link for the color in the post right before this one "Sneak Peek".
