Actually, I'm a little embarrassed I didn't finish them earlier in the summer. It really only took me about 20 minutes of inputting values for non-cash donations and clicking the option for the Homebuyers Tax Credit and then a few more minutes to run the review functions in Turbo Tax and I was done!
Printing, on the other hand, took much longer. I've spent about 2 hours feeding paper into the printer because I didn't buy a printer with duplex and I don't want to print single-sided. Yes, I still print my returns and mail them. When they make e-filing FREE, I will e-file. I absolutely refuse to PAY to make the government's job easier.
Frankly, I'm at a loss for how the printout of the returns for our records needs to be 66 pages! We have practically no deductions, no businesses, and we pretty much only enter W-2s and 1099s. Crazy. I don't print all the extra worksheets because I have never needed them. I just print copies of the returns we file which still exceeds 30 pages double-sided.
Thanks to the First-Time Homebuyers Tax Credit we are getting a nice refund. While technically it's a refund, I am simply applying the refund to 2010's taxes which are going to be REALLY BAD. Jeff had to sell all his outstanding options when he left his job. Yeah for Apple options, but our income taxes will be a bummer. Hopefully they pulled out enough taxes when he sold the stock—they kept half of all proceeds when the stock was sold—but I'm not going to count on it.

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