Jeff has figured out the heat gun helps soften the glazing and speeds up the removal. So far, he's finished about 6 of the 12 windows we need. He'll probably get through most of the rest of them if it doesn't get so hot again today.
Sharon found another paint stripping project to work on. When sorting through windows, she found a framed mirror in amongst them. She thought it might work above the sink in the basement bathroom so she spent some time yesterday stripping that. The paint on it is really tough. It was pretty resistant to the heat gun and she was worried about cracking the glass if she set the heat level too high. It took three passes with long soak times with the chemical stripper to get most of the paint off the front. The edges still need to be finished.
Unfortunately the joinery is not so well done, the corners don't quite match. But this should work at least temporarily until we can find a better solution. And it feels good to reuse another item removed from the house before the remodel.

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