Thursday, August 20, 2015

New-to-Us Dining Room Set

Jeff didn't like our old rectangular dining room table, so I occasionally poked around on craigslist for a replacement set; last week I found one. It is clearly not new. The previous owners were up front about having enjoyed this set for 12 years. It is solid cherry and was made by Amish Heritage Furniture. (Apparently they used to have a store in Portland.)

We had a few days to sell off our old set on craigslist and I set a pretty low price to get it gone fast. It worked; it went the next day. And fortunately, there was a pretty small difference between their prices.

We lucked out and the seller needed to rent a truck for work so he offered to bring it to us. Score!! (Excuse the mess in the dining room, it's still full of construction supplies, i.e. tile.)

Tragically, those table runners I made won't fit the new table. Oh well. I wonder if I can turn them into something else; maybe place mats. LOL
In other news, our floor refinisher had a change of schedule and he is working on my sewing room floor this week.
Maybe not the most intelligent thing to do right before we demo the bathroom, but I can't deal with not having my sewing and guest rooms for the next many months. We will protect it well before we start demo.