Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Painting Happened...While I Shopped

It's sure nice having help with so many of these jobs now. The painters have been making fast progress. Yesterday they got the master bathroom and kitchen prepped and painted, at least the first coat. We've still got a couple of last-minute patches in progress, but here is a picture of the master bath colors (still wet). I thought I took a picture of the kitchen, but I don't seem to have one.

The master bedroom and living room will be ready to paint today, Brian is done with the texturing and new trim.

While all that great painting happened yesterday, my aunt and I went shopping, initially for light fixtures for the bathroom and bedroom. But then we got a little distracted when we saw an antique store going out of business and then a thrift store next door... I bought some new jeans; I've got rips in way too many pairs of jeans from this little project of ours. =)

I almost forgot. Last night was the first night that Shasta went to her Beginning Obedience Class. I'm sure she's going to do fine, but Momma is having some problems doing it correctly. =) Jeff is great working with Shasta.

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