Thursday, March 26, 2020

Trying to Enjoy Spring

With so much horribleness happening, I have found myself focusing my attention on our own little world. While being stuck at home is not a hardship for me—I've been acting like a hermit for several years—dealing with all the stress and inconvenience of grocery shopping is wearing on us.
Negrita Double Tulip and Purple Sensation Hyacinth
When Jeff retired he took over the cooking (he's a much better cook than I), and he also took over the grocery shopping. But I have temporarily taken over the grocery shopping again since Jeff is in a vulnerable group (he's had pneumonia so many times, I've lost count). I made a produce/dairy run this morning and stocked up on vegetables so we can continue in our efforts to eat healthy. 

It took way too long to clean all the food/produce before we put it away.

I had also pre-ordered a few plants from Xera Plants and picked them up as well. 
I picked up a Pacific Northwest native, Orange Honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa), to grow on a trellis on the wall. We were planning to build a trellis from cedar this year, but with the coronavirus making shopping so difficult, we're just going to jury-rig something from bamboo for this season.
The Camellia x williamsii ‘Night Rider’ has obviously died. I saw Shasta run over it last fall and I stood it back up and added the stakes, but it was obviously too late. When I found the Gordon's Currant (Ribes x gordonianum), I decided to change the plan. The little plants in the lower right are Sundrops (Oenothera fruticosa) that we were given by donaleen.
I am seriously in love with the Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum) in the front yard.
The Flowering Maple (Callianthe megapotamica 'Variegatum') has started putting on flowers.
I've been out every day admiring all the beautiful plants waking up in the Hidden Garden.


  1. I think these days are much easier for us homebodies, don't you think? Grateful to have a homestead to enjoy.

    Stay strong! This too shall pass...

    1. You too. We are just hunkering down and doing the best we can.
