I'm really ready to know what the future holds for us.
I think this weekend I finally internalized that we're going to be permanently renting here in California. When we moved back here, we planned to build a house and it didn't work out. Now, it's clear it never will. There is no house likely to present itself here in California that will satisfy any purchase calculation that would justify its purchase. The prices are just too high here in California; they defy common sense. So, as long as we're living here, we're renters.
I frequently surf through the different MLS websites up in Oregon in hopes of finding the perfect house for a great price. But, of course, that won't happen because I'm looking for something that doesn't exist. I want a showcase 1920s bungalow with the original woodwork, but I want it to be a good deal. Since the majority of them originally built have been destroyed by remodels and paint, that there just aren't that many left. There is little chance that they'll go for anything resembling a good deal. There was one last year we made an offer on--in foreclosure--but we didn't get it. (I'm still disappointed about that.) I keep hoping for another to find its way to the MLS.
In order to pay top dollar for a great house in Oregon, we're realistically looking at up to $600K (in Portland--less in other cities). That's too much for us to spend without having at least one job lined up between us (primarily because of health benefits). So, I continue in school, hoping beyond hope that I'll be able to find employment as a paralegal so, someday I can look for a job in Portland. I try to be optimistic, but it's hard some days.
I try to be happy about all the money that we're saving by renting here in California, but I don't have a lot of faith in our government's ability to not screw up our economy beyond repair. We have a fairly large amount of cash and are making practically no interest on it thanks to our government trying to repair our monumental debt-binge with yet more debt. I just hope the money we're saving right now will be worth something by the time we get to buy.
Sorry--I guess I had a tough week--End Rant
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