Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Bit More Stenciling

I figured I would try and get one more quick project out of the way before I take off for California tomorrow. These curtains have been lying around on the dining room table for about three weeks and I wanted to clear them before I go.

Last time I posted about this project I lamented a mistake; I had stenciled rust on the border where I had intended to stencil green. After it dried, I went over the rust bit with green, but it just ended up looking black. (You can see it in the upper row on this photo.) Oh well, it looks like I'll have an embroidery project this summer now.

Today I finished the last two side borders on both dining room curtains.

The bottom edge stencil is going to take quite a bit of planning and layout, so I didn't have time for them today. I'm hoping I'll get to them later in the month.

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