- Buy woodworking tools (started—bought compound miter saw)
Finish planting rain gardens- Plan and build pergola at back patio
- Clean bricks and install back patio
- Finish priming/painting/staining basement bathroom
- Install flooring/fixtures in basement bathroom
Plan andbuild raccoon-safe chicken coopBuy/Make 2 curtains for dining room (in progress—just need stencilling)Replace exterior door locksPlan andbuild side fenceClean bricks and install front walkClean up painted hardware; re-plate/replace if necessaryUninstall broken leaded glass panelsMake 2 kitchen leaded glass panelsMake 2 dining room leaded glass panelsMake 6 parlor leaded glass panelsBuy/Make 4 curtains for living roomStain/Shellac master bedroom woodwork- Repaint master bedroom and closets
- Refinish master bedroom floors
Plan/Install master bedroom closet interiorsPlan/Install kitchen pantry interiorBuy/Make 3 shades/curtains for parlorStain/Varnish inside of side exterior door- Strip woodwork in guest bedroom
- Stain/Shellac woodwork in guest bedroom
- Repaint walls/ceiling in guest bedroom
- Refinish floor in guest bedroom
- Strip woodwork in sewing room
- Stain/Shellac woodwork in sewing room
- Repaint walls/ceiling in sewing room
- Refinish floor in sewing room
Apparently the garage rebuild wasn't even on the radar last October. It's moved up to the top of the list and what we'll be working on the next few weeks. We really need the workshop space for all these woodworking and smelly staining projects. Right now, we're trying to get the packet ready to file with the City of Portland so we can get a permit. There's a pretty steep learning curve, though.
Also, now that the weather is nicer, we want to get back to work on the master bedroom. Sharon so wants to finish shellacking that room so we can move back in!
Oh my word, that is a HUGE list. I could not finish all that in a year. Good luck, I will check back. I really want to see the pergola.