Friday, August 27, 2010

Ran Out of Stain...

...and we haven't quite finished. Bummer. Now we need to go back to Sherwin Williams and see if we can sweet talk them into selling us more at the sale price. =)

I had thought we bought more than we needed, but the neighbor bought such rough fence boards that the coverage of each gallon was far lower than was labelled on the can. We should have been able to put two coats on the fence and we didn't even finish one!

Unfortunately, we didn't buy the wood, the neighbor did. I would have sprung for a bit more finished wood as it would have made it easier to paint and work with. The boards he bought had a lot of knots, cracks and rough grain and painting boards with so much surface texture took way more paint to cover completely. Oh well.

We received a 10% off coupon for so I've been cruising around their website this afternoon. We're thinking about buying quite a few rain chains from them. I've been a bit astonished at the price of these yard items! We dropped in at a local garden store and they were asking $140 for one rain chain!! So, $86 less 10% at doesn't seem so bad.

Anyway, we want to hang them off the house in conjunction with rain barrels and swales. It is our hope we'll be able to disconnect the gutters from the storm water system by next spring. We were hoping to finish this project this fall, but our other projects are moving along a little more slowly than hoped.

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